More than ten hours of debate and then the sudden end. The national Council yesterday rejected the new CO2-law in the final vote of 92 to 60 votes with 43 abstentions. The SVP would like to implement from the start against the template, with the help of the Federal Council, the climate agreement of Paris. Because SVP and FDP hold a majority of seats, weakened the law in a number of crucial points, not wore it the Ratslinke at the end. The failure of the template, mainly due to the fact that the national Council continued in the reduction of greenhouse gases to buy emission certificates abroad. He refused a domestic share in the act. Also, a flight ticket tax, he wanted to know nothing. The template is now in the Council of States, where in the new year, the discussions start from the beginning.

The decision to talk in Katowice, Poland, where the climate conference of the world community. “We are a rich country, we can pursue an ambitious climate policy, such as the Federal Council wants it, but need the appropriate measures,” says Marc Chardonnens. The Director of the Federal office for the environment (FOEN) in Katowice conversations, as a future ambitious climate policy might look like.

criticism of the climate summit

Clear Jürg Staudenmann, of Alliance Sud, the Association of Swiss relief organizations will be bored, as “observers” at the conference on climate change: “How can let the other countries of the climate conference, the bona fide efforts of the Swiss Delegation, more ambitious climate targets, so still take it seriously?” Switzerland continues to support robust rules to the Paris agreement to implement, such as Franz Perrez, head of the Swiss Delegation, says. “The domestic policy is not in contradiction with the appearance abroad.”

But the Swiss domestic policy is accompanied by critical notes. Already last week, the network of international environmental organisations CAN used the climate policy of the national Council, to the Image of Switzerland to soothe as a model country in the international climate protection. In their daily Newsletter, they denounced the decision by the national Council for the reduction of emissions from 2020 to 2030 is not a domestic destination. In doing so, Switzerland would have the opportunity to meet their climate commitments exclusively through investments in foreign climate projects.

FDP with the Aletsch glacier

In Switzerland, the decision of the national Council provoked a veritable crash: Who bears the responsibility for the Failure? The FDP accuses the left – wing parties and the SVP of an “ideological ban and blockade policy”. The party represents as a climate activist – their Communiqué yesterday, the party’s logo shows on the dying of the Aletsch glacier. “The price tag of inaction is high,” warns the FDP. This responsibility should now take the left-wing parties and the SVP.

The statements, the revolt not only left-wing circles. “The FDP has the main responsibility, she has wrong cards,” said GLP President, Jürg Large. The party have forgotten in their rush of Power, with whom to the Lotter bed: the SVP, a party that oppose any form of climate protection. Also a national councillor Stefan Müller-Altermatt criticized: “The FDP has made the Junior partner to the SVP.” Better you would have as in the case of the energy strategy 2050, with the centre-left a majority of capable law allows, so the CVP-politicians.

FDP-Nationalrat Christian Wasserfallen replied that his party had shown the “Size”. At the conclusion of the national Council have doubled against the will of the FDP, the CO2 levy on fossil fuels and the building program up to 2030, extended. “However, we have agreed.”

SVP warns environmentalists

The left parties are confident that the Council of States, where the FDP and the SVP have a majority, will make the new CO2-law “climate-friendly”. The discussions in the Commission will probably start in January. The second hope of the Left is founded in the national elections of next year, which could move in the national Council, the relations of forces in the direction of the center-left. Sure the is not but. And even if this were so: SVP-politicians warn not to overload the cart-loads. In the case of a gasoline price increase of more than 10 cents per Liter, a Referendum was certain.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.12.2018, 21:12 PM