The Russian ambassador to Finland, reason Tuesday paasikivi society in his speech to the united states and the west almost all nykyongel where.The Russian ambassador to Finland, Pavel Kuznetsov should o in a speech in Helsinki Paasikivi-society occasion. Crete Karvala

the Russian ambassador to Finland, Pavel Kuznetsov held on Tuesday Paasikivi society meeting in Helsinki forthright speech of the Russian position on topical themes, such as the west and east confrontation, the Ukrainian crisis, nuclear armament, trade wars and energy competition.

the Ambassador Kuznetsov opened, inter alia, where due to russia and the west in the current poor relations, which he described ”as frozen”.

Russia according to the ratio of the bad state is to blame alone the west, which accuses Russia of all.

Russia does not seek confrontation with the west, we don’t threaten anyone, we’re not going to attack anybody, but still we have the need to safeguard russia’s national interests, the ambassador recalled.

a Familiar story

Kuznetsov played the russians several times repeated by the report of the Russian nykykäytön the origin of which dates back to the Soviet union after the disintegration of the space, resulting in weak Russia ended up Kuznetsovin according to the ”west pocket”, and the Russian national interests in the south and in the west into account, but the president Vladimir Putin came to power after Russia began in the 2000s to keep things in their care, and won’t again for example the west to enter by liberal values.

the Russian ambassador to Finland, is currently running a multi-polar world formation process, which includes the peoples natural right to decide their own affairs.

– But, force of habit, some states want to secure global leadership, and that’s why we see ultimatums, sanctions and a trade war, Kuznetsov said the united states between the lines of reason.


the Ambassador stressed eloquently of human rights and all states have sovereignty and self-determination, respect for the law.

the sovereignty of States, respect does not, however, practice in recent years to mean, for example, Ukraine, which Russia seized illegally in the Crimea in 2014, and with which the country is practically being in the war in Eastern Ukraine.

These Russian in Ukraine, the activities carried out by the ambassador Kuznetsov also said the west, since the unipolar world, of the holding entities (such as the united states) to foment in the Ukraine ”coup” in 2014, whose consequences were the Crimean power and the crisis in Eastern Ukraine.

the United states but also the EU is Kuznetsovin according to the complicity of the situation in Ukraine, because the union ”itäkumppanuus” is meant the eastern European countries to capture the EU’s economic sphere of influence, resulting in russia’s interest was ignored.

Also Kertšinsalmen fresh incident is Kuznetsovin according to someone other than Russia, the reason for the ambassador’s view, it was Ukrainian ”provocation” by the support for the concern of the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko organized in order to raise popularity before the march presidential elections.

the United states ‘ fault

Also medium-range missiles in the INF treaty, a possible failure is Kuznetsovin by someone other than the Russian failure.

the Ambassador to blame for this serious situation is the united states, which has said it wants to withdraw from this agreement, because it suggests that Russia does not comply with the agreement.

Kuznetsov stated that the Us accusations of russia in breach of contract, are plucked out of the air, in addition, he also warned that if the united states placed new missiles around the world, are dangerous developments at the front.

– We can’t accept the missile placement in areas where they may threaten our area.

the Ambassador Kuznetsov, however, the Finnish and Russian political relations as good, because according to his estimation, they have returned to the Ukraine to pre-crisis good level.