in the first put three-quarters of a billion dollars of the budget to create a new udrejsecenter on the island of Lindholm for criminals rejected asylum seekers and persons on tolerated stay.

But it is an overly expensive solution to a problem that can be solved much better and cheaper – at least, if you ask The People political leader, Morten Østergaard.

– We believe that you should use the existing centre and spread those people out instead of bringing them together in one place – regardless of whether it is Boarding or in Stege Bay.

This is with reference to the fact that it has created insecurity in the area by the udrejsecentret Kærshovedgård, that so many of the above-mentioned foreigners are gathered in one place.

Østergaard calls on its colleagues in the opposition to find a better solution and take the many reception centers in use, which have either closed down or are not filled up.

there is plenty of time to after the election at the latest, to be held in June next year.

– For me, it is obvious that a new majority is pulling the plug on the project before we have shoveled taxpayers ‘ money out on an island in the Stege Bay instead of using some of the facilities that exist, he says.

the Democratic president, Mette Frederiksen, is most concerned with getting divorced criminal asylum seekers and persons on tolerated stay from the other, that right now lives on Kærshovedgård.

On the way, we agree with the government. Then there is the question of where they should be, and that is the most important thing for me to see, to take into account the neighbors and the community.

– But they must be placed somewhere in Denmark, and whether it is one or the other place, we have not so strong positions. But if anyone has a better suggestion, we are responsive to it, she says.