With the coming to power in the U.S. house of representatives will put the Democrats in the new year, several investigations against the Trump Administration. A topic will be Donald trump’s Saudi Arabia policy, for example, the behavior of the Trump Administration in dealing with the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

This is the TV channel CNN reported. A Committee of inquiry of the “House” not the least of which is personal relationships between Jared Kushner , Trump-son-in-law and adviser, and the Saudi crown Prince, Muhammad bin Salman (MbS) under the microscope.

In the White house is Kushner of the biggest advocates of MbS that should have given the order for murder of the journalist Khashoggi. This view is also well-known senators, the Republicans represent now, after the CIA had identified the key role of MbS in the cruel Khashoggi-murder.

Lively exchange via Whatsapp

in Spite of the Khashoggi-affair maintains Kushner continues to be regular contact with the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and the news channel Whatsapp, as the New York Times reported. The crime will help to have proposed Kushner MbS, to advise him in the Khashoggi-affair – so to him, as unscathed as possible out of it. The newspaper refers to government circles in Washington.

Kushner and MbS to speak clearly with first name. This is another indication that your relationships go through the usual government to government contacts. The two ambitious men talk long a friendly relationship. In addition, they need each other in order to achieve political goals.

Kushner and the Saudis: CNN’s report. Source: CNN

In the Trump Administration, Saudi Arabia enjoys an outstanding geopolitical and economic role. The Saudis are financially strong buyer of us military goods. And they are considered as key partners to curb Iranian influence in the Region, as well as for a possible peace agreement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Kushner is the US special envoy for the Middle East.

Saudi Courting of Kushner

For the Saudi crown Prince, the Americans are important, in order to consolidate his Power in their own country and its influence in the Region to expand. According to the New York Times have started, the Saudis, after the electoral victory Trumps two years ago, to advertise specifically to the favor of Kushner. The “New York Times” is based on leaked documents, E-Mails, and other information. The Courting of Trump-son-in-law seem to have worked, the newspaper writes.

In the relationship between Kushner and MbS are also likely to play private business interests. Before the Ivanka Trump married Kushner to the President Advisor to rise, he had real estate and financial business is done. Its still business ended up at the end of Kushner Company last year, according to media reports, in the search for investors for a billion project in Saudi Arabia.

In the media and the Public in the United States is running a debate on the question of whether Kushner would separate his private business interests from his political office clean. And if he had made any influence or even blackmail. The alleged conflicts of interest apply not only in the case of Saudi Arabia.

a Similar question in connection with the real estate transactions of President Trump, the Trump Organization is currently under the leadership of his sons. Trump praised once the real estate buyer from Saudi Arabia, in the highest tones. Also, the material for examination committees in the U.S. house of representatives. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 11.12.2018, 20:48 PM