Two certainties for Vincent Collet’s Blues before the Olympic draw, this Tuesday (7 p.m.), in Switzerland: they will avoid the Americans and Canadians in the first round. The Americans, because of the choice of broadcasters and the Canadians, because they are in the same hat (3). For the rest, the Tokyo Olympic vice-champions can inherit a potentially very complicated draw, with for example world champion Germany, Australia and the winner of the Athens TQO, possibly Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Greece or Slovenia of Luka Doncic. Victor Wembanyama and his teammates could also come across the winner of the TQO in Valencia (Spain?), that of Riga (Latvia?) and South Sudan. Much simpler than the first scenario mentioned, that’s clear…
Note that there cannot be less than two European nations in each group in the first round, and no more than three. We cannot find more than one selection from each other confederation either. Remember also that the first two in each group will advance to the quarter-finals, as well as the two best third-placed teams.
GENTLEMENWorst draw: Germany, Australia, winner of the Athens TQO (Slovenia or Greece?)Best: winner of the Valencia TQO (Spain?), winner of the Riga TQO (Latvia?), South Sudan.
For women, the situation is significantly different. Jean-Aimé Toupane’s players will be in group B or C, like the United States. A one in two chance of finding the Americans in the first round. There will also be one or two teams from Europe in each group, and no more than one nation from another continent. One thing is certain: no one will want to draw France into hat 3, for men or women.
LADIESWorst draw: USA, Spain, Germany Best: China, Canada, Nigeria