VTC and delivery drivers are dissatisfied with their professional situation, according to a study commissioned by the regulatory authority for social dialogue between platforms and workers, on the eve of professional elections which will be held from May 22 to 30. 65% say they are “rather not” and “not at all satisfied with their professional situation”. Only 35% are satisfied with their work, a rate “almost half as high as that observed among all French employees (74%)”, notes the Authority for Social Relations of Employment Platforms (ARPE) in a communicated.

In detail, fewer VTC drivers (28%) are satisfied compared to independent delivery drivers (48%), details the study carried out by Ifop with a sample of nearly 4,000 people from a file of more than 122,000 professionals working on the platforms. Self-employed people complain in particular about fluctuating salaries (42% of respondents consider this to be a disadvantage) and working conditions, says this study. Conversely, “flexibility and independence appear to be the main positive point of the job of VTC driver or delivery person: 81% cite the fact of being able to choose their days off as an advantage, 79% the fact of not having boss and 77% to have variable hours,” analyzes Arpe.

Independents highlight several needs. Among these: the change in the criteria determining the price of a trip or a delivery, better support by the platforms in the event of an accident, better safety conditions at work, reinforced protection against discrimination, paid leave and regulated working hours. Since 2021, several collective agreements have been signed between representatives of workers and platforms under the aegis of Arpe. On Monday, the regulatory authority announced that platforms and delivery people had reached an agreement to “prevent and fight against all forms of discrimination” targeting delivery people, including the creation of an “observatory” and a monitoring system. alert.