New aid in the arsenal deployed to support traders affected by the riots following Nahel’s death. The government announced on Monday the relaxation of an already existing aid, intended for the self-employed, called “exceptional financial aid” (AFE). This development will take the form of “accelerated processing of requests for assistance for traders affected by the riots”, specified the offices of Bruno Le Maire and Olivia Grégoire during a press briefing.

Concretely, this financial aid, addressed to the self-employed and not to companies, can go up to 6000 euros per trader, with a variable scale depending on the number of days of closure. Up to seven days, it can go up to 3000 euros; 5000 euros up to 14 days and up to 6000 euros for more than 15 days. “The files will be studied on a case-by-case basis”, we indicate to Bercy. This aid will not be subject to social contributions and contributions, nor to tax charges.

To benefit from this financial aid, which may be requested until August 31, independent traders must complete a form available from Urssaf, and in particular provide a copy of the complaint filed and a copy of the insurance declaration. Bercy says he is unable to say how many businesses out of the thousand affected by the riots are eligible for this aid. But the aid will be paid within 7 to 10 days from the moment the file is submitted, we promise to the Ministry of the Economy.

This new measure reflects “the ministers’ desire to respond to the concerns of independent traders, in particular those who are worried about their cash flow problems while waiting to receive aid from insurers”, explains those around the Minister Delegate for Trade Olivia Grégoire. It supplements the aid already announced at the end of June following the riots and damage caused by the death of the young Nahel, 17, during a road check in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine): spreading of social and tax charges or even cancellation , extension of the deadlines for filing a claim, commitment of indemnity insurers as quickly as possible, among others.

In addition, the executive also announced the appointment of a national referent, Chantal Chambellan Le Levier. It will have to support the traders and companies most in difficulty in their efforts, and “allow the most complex files to be unblocked on a case-by-case basis”, we detail in the entourage of the ministers.