Emmanuel Macron announced this week that he was going to meet the boss of Twitter and Tesla, Elon Musk, this Friday to “talk to him about automobiles” while the French government wants to convince the American billionaire to set up a factory in France. “We are going to talk about artificial intelligence where it is involved, social networks, regulatory frameworks,” said the French president in the aisles of the VivaTech show. “I will also talk to him about cars, batteries, this sector, to praise the attractiveness of France and Europe,” he added.

Elon Musk, highly controversial due to his remarks and his brutal takeover of the social network Twitter, is seeking to establish a new mega-factory in addition to those that already exist in the United States, Germany and China. The French government hopes to convince Elon Musk that “France is the best possible place in Europe to set up the next Tesla factory”, entrusted the Minister Delegate for Digital, Jean-Noël Barrot, on Wednesday on CNBC.

At the end of May, the minister, who is carrying a bill to regulate the digital space, threatened Twitter with being “banned, in the event of a repeat offence”, from the EU if it did not respect European rules, in particular on content moderation. Emmanuel Macron, who has already met Elon Musk twice in recent months, pleaded in the aisles of VivaTech for a “cooperative approach in this sector” and “social networks that are more respectful of our democratic life, which remove violence, better protect our children. For his part, the entrepreneur must intervene on Friday during the 7th edition of the VivaTech show, one of the major tech meetings, which opened its doors in Paris on Wednesday.