A “certain number” of manufacturers and distributors will receive an injunction to comply with the Egalim law after checks revealing fraud, announced the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire this Friday, January 26. “I will only give them a few days to comply with the law, otherwise they will be penalized up to 2% of their turnover,” added the minister.

Faced with the discontent of farmers, who are demanding in particular to be paid the fair price for their production, the government has “increased DGCCRF controls” in recent days, assured Bruno Le Maire. The offenses noted concern “circumventions”, “non-compliance with the law” and “double speech”, denounced the Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau.

“There is no food sovereignty without fair income for producers,” insisted Bruno Le Maire, saying he wanted to ensure “strict compliance with the Egalim law” and wanted to “double” the controls of the DGCCRF in the future. However, he did not specify how many manufacturers and distributors had been checked in violation, nor did they specify their names. The minister also assured that he wanted to ensure that the words “French origin” were correctly affixed to the products.