Can we please stop measuring diversity primarily by how many women are there? If the majority of officials and functionaries in the Bundestag are bio-German, but half are female – what would be the gain? Real diversity means much more today: young and old, West German and East German, straight and queer, craftsman and professor, migrant and local, with and without color.

Seen in this light, the FDP could certainly be proud of its recent party history. She had the first gay party leader in Germany (who won almost 15 percent in the 2009 general election), she had a federal economics minister from Vietnam and for 18 years a federal foreign minister from East Germany. In 1992, a liberal would have become the first woman to head the Foreign Office – if Jürgen “You scheming pig” Möllemann hadn’t prevented it.

But alas! There are no women in the FDP. Which is why the party, which has always opposed quotas, is now seriously considering electoral lists and party offices. In the Bundestag, around a quarter of the FDP deputies are women (at least more than in the Union and AfD), among the members of the Liberals it is 20 percent. That is why the FDP is not very attractive to women, so the quota advocates argue.

However, the result of the party in the last federal election was fed by 13 percent of the votes for men and 10 percent for women. This difference is not so dramatic that it should be tackled with the rigid instrument of a quota.

In any case, the Liberals have to bend more in the traffic light coalition than their voters would like. And now the FDP also wants to give up one of its last unique selling points in the bourgeois camp – even though about half of Germans are against quotas?

Of the last four chairmen of the Young Liberals, two were female: Ria Schröder and Franziska Brandmann – without a quota. Both young politicians have so far spoken out against a quota for women. Interestingly, the young women were more against it in the corresponding vote in the CDU. It is becoming more and more apparent that the quota for women is old school. Let’s be free, let’s be really diverse! Without quotas.