To draw attention to climate change, “Fridays For Future” has already used methods that not everyone likes: Skipping school every Friday will cause difficulties for my generation in the decades to come. But one has to recognize that the activists were able to influence environmental policy. Whether this is always to be evaluated positively is another matter.

But there is one group that wasn’t enough. The “Last Generation” draws attention to itself with road blockades, art pollution and the turning off of gas taps. Motorists fumed that they were late for work, and the art world was shocked after a Monet painting was smeared with mush.

Nevertheless, they doggedly continue in their “fight” against the climate crisis. However, outsiders should be clear: this “fight” is not against the climate crisis, but against the rule of law. The worries and fears of these “activists” about their future can be understood in part – as a student I feel them too.

However, blackmailing a democratic government is unacceptable under any circumstances. When the “last generation” says that supermarkets should be banned from throwing away their food or when important points in our infrastructure are disrupted, this is clear blackmail. A strongly anti-democratic process.

One may imagine the “activists” demanding a political and cultural rapprochement with Russia, peace negotiations for climate protection. How would you react then?

In addition, the actions of the “activists” tend to achieve the opposite of what they want: namely, a defensive attitude towards their demands. A motorist who is prevented from making a possibly important journey by the “last generation” does not become an enthusiastic climate protector. On the contrary: Such actions tend to drive voters to the political fringes. An AfD in Brandenburg that is purposefully approaching 30 percent there will only benefit from such protests.

One must therefore assume that the “last generation” is somewhat unrealistic. Ultimately, their form of protest only affects the planet negatively.

Friedrich Berger is 17 years old and a 12th grade student. He is involved in the student union.