At the Coubertin Stadium

Seeing the glass half full rather than half empty is never easy, especially just after a defeat in the 1st of the Mazars Challenge international de Paris (CIP). Thus, Emmie Nayl did not hide her (small) frustration at not having achieved the feat against the American Jacqueline Dubrovich. “Right away, it’s the disappointment of not having passed that predominates,” confided Limougeaude behind the scenes at Stade Coubertin. “In itself, it was a good match, very tough, against a girl who is in the Top 10 in the world. It’s strong, she really knew how to exploit all the opportunities that I gave her. She shot very well.”

Always behind in the score during this duel, Emmie Nayl had the merit of never giving up, coming back twice at the end of two good series, once from 7-4 to 7-7, and another from 11-7 at 11-10. In vain unfortunately both times, the American finally managing to win 15-10. “I lacked a bit of finishing,” she admitted. “I don’t push my actions completely, probably because of stress. It’s true that when you come back to score like I did, when you come back, it’s always more difficult to manage because you’re caught up by a form of pressure. Which didn’t necessarily appear from the outside, even if she admitted with a smile: “It’s always a little stressful to be in front of so many people because I’m not necessarily used to it. But overall, I think I managed it not too badly.”

143rd in the world, the Master’s student in taxation at the University of Bordeaux intends to build on this great first at the CIP to build the future. “I remain happy to have managed to qualify for this IPC, even though I am only 21 years old and I am one of the youngest French women to have shot today. This remains a great performance. And also a great experience, which makes me want to return to training to achieve even better results.”