For Russia, the heart of the gas industry is now moving towards the East, and particularly towards China, the world’s largest energy consumer and increasingly a buyer of gas. Energy cooperation between the two countries is not new, but the war in Ukraine is forcing Moscow to accelerate its strategic reorientation. “Today, the subject of development towards new markets is more topical than ever”, thus affirmed, Thursday, September 15, the vice-president of the Russian gas giant Gazprom.

Concretely, this deployment towards the East will materialize by the imminent signature of an agreement relating to the delivery of 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year, via the future gas pipeline “Force of Siberia 2”. The latter, whose construction should begin in 2024, is supposed to replace the “Nord Stream 2” project, which was to rally Russia to Germany in order to supply Europe with gas, but which the conflict in Ukraine threw forgotten. On the sidelines of the Samarkand summit on September 15, the Russian Minister of Energy confirmed this change of direction.

“Siberian Force 2” will be 2,600 km long and will connect Western Siberia to the Chinese region of Xinjiang, passing through the eastern half of Mongolia. The gas will come from the Yamal Peninsula, which until now was Europe’s source of gas supply. As its name suggests, this gas pipeline will be the second in the family. Indeed, since 2019 “Siberian Force 1” has been operating, which connects Siberia to northeast China over 3,000 kilometers. It is also on him that Russia will be counting, pending the arrival of his little brother – hoped for 2030. Scheduled to deliver 16 billion cubic meters of gas in 2022, it will supply China with increasing volumes each year. year, up to 61 billion cubic meters per year, more than Nord Stream 1.

Reinforcement of “Siberian Force 1”, construction of “Siberian Force 2″… Russia seems to be betting everything on its Chinese partner. And that’s not all. Last February, Moscow and Beijing approved the creation of a third gas pipeline linking the island of Sakhalin, located in the Russian Far East, to the Chinese province of Heilongjiang. If this cooperation proves crucial for Russian finances, China will continue to collaborate with other exporting countries, in particular Qatar and the United States.