If you love to make snowman and sneengle, there will be good opportunities for it in the evening.
this was stated by The DMI for the Extra Magazine.
– It is especially in the northeastern parts of the country, that it is snowing right now. And it’s going to do some hours yet. In Nordøstsjælland and in the north are the snow lying, while in the Copenhagen area is right on the teeter-totter.
– here, Then, is to be fast, if you want to go out and make a snowman, saith the vagtchef Thyge Rasmussen.
In the rest of the country will plusgraderne make sure that the snow and any remnants of the ice melts, but in the evening and in the night takes the snowstorm so again.
– In Nordøstsjælland expected to fall between five and ten centimeters of snow, and in Vendsyssel is about 10-15 centimeters. In the rest of the country will be there talking about precipitation in the form of rain.
According to the vagtchefen become wet and heavy snow, explains vagtchefen on. For the same reason, the earlier warnings about blowing snow and freezing rain now abandoned, is disclosed.
the Weather has morning through created major traffic problems several places in the country. You can read more about here:
the 112 – 26. jan. 2019 – at. 09:01 Cars encounter head-on, together