in the Future, the unemployed are over 60 years of age, have written for two years, job applications and still no place found to have, under certain conditions, be entitled to a Bridging benefit. “Otherwise, it can lead to dramatic situations,” said social Affairs Minister Alain Berset (SP) yesterday in front of the media. In the years leading up to Retirement, the Concerned would be instructed otherwise on social assistance. Before they received this but, you would have to Deplete your assets, your Savings in the 2. and the 3. Pillar probing and the AHV vorbeziehen. With the result that they had in the age of less money and may, in turn, on a support would need.

It is still the goal that the recipients of these services, efforts to work, you need to do this more but not. So you need to go to no job centres, no more applications to write.

Only seemingly comfortable

Each year, around controls 2600 persons over 60 years. The support you receive, but only if you earned at least 20 years, 21’330 francs per year or more and AVS have paid contributions. 10 these 20 years have to be located directly in front of the modulation, and in a period of 15 years. In addition, you may have a maximum of about CHF 100’000 (married couples: 200’000 Swiss francs). This includes purchases in the 2 be. Column and Saved in the 3. Column is not counted, but the residential property.

the recipients of the bridging services are treated as those of supplementary benefits . Since you have to pay the health costs of the Franchise, deductible or dentist, you will only receive the so-called basic needs in 2025 instead of 1620 francs per month.

For all expenditure, together with a maximum of 58’350 Swiss francs (married couple: 87’525 Swiss francs) is awarded to a Person. The acts on the first glance comfortable. You look but what must you pay for, can be blown up, this limit quickly. This shows a calculation example of the Swiss Federation of trade unions for Basel: The basic needs (24’310 francs), the rental, the cost in a big city for a maximum of 1370 Swiss francs (16’440 Swiss francs per year). In addition, contributions for health insurance (cantonal average premium: 7264 francs), AHV (minimum contribution: 3509 francs) and pension Fund (10’878 francs); the recipient must also pay the employer’s contributions.

Created: 30.10.2019, 19:49 Uhr