the 14-year-old british Harvey Millington is a bit of a matador. With a number of brilliant and innovative ideas, is he in one year has become Britain’s youngest selvgjorte millionaire. It writes the british Metro.
It all started with the fact that the young boy last year got the idea to develop small discs, which should remind drivers about when it is time to pay the tax to the government.
The little treasures-brands sold like hot cakes to the forgetful car owners, and Harvey Millington ended up with an impressive profit of about 860.000 Danish kroner.
the Money he used to buy three hectares of land for the further development of its business, to an amount equal to 345.000 euros.
But after a short time a knock came at the young forretningsmands door, and outside stood a representative of a construction company who was very interested in acquiring Harvey Millingtons newly acquired land. In fact, so interested that they offered him a little over 17 million dollars.
I didn’t know quite how much they would offer for the land, but then they came with a bid of two million pounds. It was too good to refuse. It is a big amount, especially for someone of my age, says skoledrengen according to the Metro.
Harvey Millington tells that he got the idea for his original business, when he saw how his father even forgot to pay his taxes, and discovered that there was a system which could remind people to pay.
After only eight weeks, he had earned about 25,000 dollars on huskesedlerne, which were sold for around 35 dollars a piece. And since then, it took only more speed.
Surprisingly enough, the young matador does not have any plans to become a businessman. He will rather be a police officer.
It is not only the Uk that can produce talented young entrepreneurs. Meet, for example, the 17-year-old his, which is behind a million-business – or find inspiration from the 24-year-old Michael, who was so tired of expensive razor blades that he took up the fight against Gillette.