The catastrophic hunger crisis in the war-torn country of Yemen is getting worse. According to the UN, 20 million people have great difficulties to get enough food. Approximately two-thirds of the population.

In war-stricken Yemen has exacerbated the scarcity of food according to UN figures. 20 million people starved, and 15 percent more than in the previous year, said UN emergency relief coordinator Mark Lowcock in New York.

hundreds of thousands of people are threatened in Yemen by hunger, warned the UN emergency relief coordinator Lowcock. (Archive)

for the First time, 250,000 people were faced with an impending “catastrophe”, which means that you starvation and impoverishment of the threat. The people would be on a global scale that measures the severity and magnitude of food shortages, in the so-called Phase five. This is the most serious level, the associated with a threat of “Starvation, death and deprivation,” said Lowcock. There is only another country, in the people in the stage were five of South Sudan with 25,000 Affected.

Five million people suffer from extreme Hunger

in addition, there are almost five million people in Yemen, in Phase four, which is to be conducted as an “emergency”level. Therefore, people suffering from extreme Hunger, and “very high acute malnutrition and excessive mortality” or in the event of extreme loss of income with the consequence of severe food shortages.

Affected lived in 152 of 333 districts of Yemen. This is a massive increase compared to the previous year, as 107 districts of the speech was.

“Significant, dramatic deterioration” of the situation

Lowcock returned to its own information, recently from a Yemen-visit. He had registered a “significant, dramatic deterioration” of the situation, he told reporters.

For 2019 would need to be four billion dollars (3.5 billion euros), the UN Secretary-General António Guterres ask the world community in Geneva in February a donor conference wool. This is twice as much as 2017.

Saudi Arabia, which is leading in Yemen, a military Alliance in the fight against Huthi rebels, as well as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had once again says high donations, said Lowcock. The attitude of the Saudis and allies of the UAE to lead in the Yemen war, and to support the population at the same time, humanitarian aid, commented Lowcock.

conflict in 2014

The Yemen conflict was sparked by the capture of the capital Sana’a by the Iranian-supported, Shiite Houthi rebels in 2014. It was at the time, ousted the internationally recognized government. Since 2015, a of Saudi Arabia was in command of the military coalition to combat the Houthis.

From Riyadh led air attacks schools, hospitals and weddings. The Houthis have been fired long-range rockets into the country from Saudi Arabia and ships in the Red sea attacked. More than 10 000 people have been killed in the war, around two million have been displaced. Observers speak of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.