The air traffic over Germany has reached in 2018, again a record level – and pushes the limits of its capacity. Experts expect that there will soon be more than 3.5 million commercial flights per year.

About Germany to 2018 as many planes on the go like never before. The Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS) registered well-3.34 million commercial flights in the airspace over the Federal Republic – an increase of 4.2 percent compared to the previous year. For the past five years, the respective growth exceeds the rate of those of the previous year.

large airports such as Frankfurt, are now being used to capacity limits.

In the year 2017 had seen the DFS a growth rate of 3.3 per cent in 2016, it was 2.6 percent. After 2015 be for the first time the mark of three million commercial flights exceeded, to control the air traffic over Germany is now at 3.5 million flights. Alone of 2018 over 130,000 flights had been counted as of 2017, said the DFS, which is responsible for the Surveillance of airspace jurisdiction. This corresponds to the volume of traffic at the airport Stuttgart.

International passengers expected to…

The international Airline Association IATA expects the number of passengers in 2019, rising to six per cent to 4.59 billion. For airlines, the Association expects a winning record. The Airlines are expected to earn, therefore, a total of 35.5 billion dollars (31.3 billion Euro).

… however, less so in Germany

The increase in air traffic, however, leads to problems: Thus, airports such as in Frankfurt or Berlin to reach the capacity limits. The number of delays and flight cancellations rose sharply. The German airport Association ADV, said, however, after the very strong years to 2019 are expected to be a “slightly slower growth in Passenger numbers”.

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