With the rising temperatures, a Problem that annoys many, but also enormous costs caused accentuated: the careless disposal of cigarette butts, beer cans, leftover food, and much more. According to the Federal office for the environmental (FOEN) Switzerland every year, around 200 million Swiss francs to 50 million Swiss francs are attributable to the public transport. The main share of 150 million Swiss francs will have to bear the municipalities.

Unfigured, the socio-economic damage, for example, for tourism: Who wants to visit when you walking on plastic bottles, trip over, or a dirty city? Swiss cities identified litter in 2013, even as their main problem. The farmers took a few years for a national Littering buses. Plastic bottles or aluminium cans hazardous to the cattle, if they were chopped in a forage, – said at the time, farmer’s Association President, Jacques Bourgeois.

The environmental Commission of the national Council drafted a bill that wanted to Throw away, or Are smaller quantities of waste with up to 300 Swiss francs punish. However, the plenary session recessed the project in 2016. Since then, it has developed an almost incomprehensible patchwork of how the Problem is addressed. In municipalities and cantons approach is very different. The following list shows a few examples.


the leader is from 1. October, the Canton of Aargau. 300 francs it costs, if you get caught when you Throw away a Cigarette under the tree, a soda can or food packaging. This was decided by the Aargau Great Council this week. Especially the litter-ridden farmers are hoping for a deterrent effect. Also in the Canton of Uri, up to 300 Swiss francs, the buses can be imposed. The cut of the buses ranges between 40 francs in Freiburg and 80 Swiss francs, for example in Zurich or Basel.


In the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden can not be punished for waste, a sinner with a Fine, because there is no corresponding legal basis. Ralph Bannwart, Secretary of the Department of the Interior and security, told the local radio that Appenzell Ausserrhoden is not an urban Canton, and only a very few are so stupidly stupid, your waste in front of the eyes of a police officer.


In the Canton of Solothurn, the size of the fine is particularly high. So you need to waste in the act Caught in the Small such as cans, chewing gum or cigarette butts, 40 Swiss francs. But in the new law on water, soil and waste, also contains a passage that is dedicated to the Recalcitrant: to Show offenders no remorse or willingness to dispose of the waste properly, so the buses can be increased to 20 francs.


Something very Special, the city of Bern can think of, the so-called cleanliness cents. Went recently in the consultation process, and calls for a revenue-based fee for companies, in particular, contribute greatly to the litter, such as Take-away establishments, kiosks, Nightclubs and publisher of free Newspapers. The Bern city government is expecting annual revenue of 3.4 million Swiss francs. The Basel Grossrätin Lisa Mathys (SP) wants to prescribe these waste fee in your city and submitted at the beginning of April, made a corresponding advance.


The interest group for a clean environment (Igsu) municipalities and schools, with a Label, using an active and targeted measures against Littering. According to the Executive Director Nora Steimer so far, around 100 applications were approved. In order to acquire the Label, you must commit an Institution to a catalogue of requirements and in each case until the end of February a performance of promises for the appropriate calendar year. The city of Zurich or the Canton of Basel-city. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 15.05.2019, 20:34 PM