“We don’t want to keep just a step, but play a leading role,” said education Director Silvia Steiner (CVP) on the Friday before the media. Therefore, it is important that the Canton handle now. “There needs to be a one-time, special financial effort.”

Specifically, the 300 million Swiss francs to be invested over the next ten years in the digitization of the Zurich universities. 192 million want to bring the universities themselves. The remaining 108 million to contribute to the Canton. The member of the Parliament says Yes to this, you can start the digitisation offensive in the coming year.

networking strengths

The project, which aims to promote Steiner, together with the universities, called DIZH, which stands for “digitisation initiative of the Zurich universities”. With the money, the founders want to support the University, the College of education, the University of applied Sciences ZHAW and the University of the arts ZhdK in the digitization.

It is not starting of course at zero, – said Steiner. The universities had invested in the last few years, substantial amounts in the digitization. With DIZH the projects would get additional thrust and networking between the schools.

18 new professorships

in Addition, would be financed with the money of 18 new professorships, all of which are concerned with the topic of digitisation – for example, with artificial intelligence. But also the changes in society are to be accompanied with the project.

The ZHAW wants to invest 80 million Swiss francs in digital projects and Spin-Offs, the ZhdK wants to create with the money, among other things, a Professor, which is concerned with the effects of digitization on the creative industry. Are planned projects for the virtual film production.

the Pedagogical University should receive money. This aims to develop offers, with which students can learn: With a Virtual Reality Learning in science, design and sports should be promoted.

No money for the ETH

The ETH will not benefit from the windfall. It belongs to the Federal government and is therefore not part of the Zurich digitization offensive. The Zurich universities would, however, have already been working together in various projects with ETH Zurich, Steiner said. These projects would, of course, continue. With the money of the DIZH the cantonal would schools with stronger partners. (sda/tif)

Created: 08.03.2019, 16:26 PM