the Norwegian Christian democratic party abortseier in the new regjeringsplattformen do that fosterreduksjon, so-called tvillingabort, no longer should be self-determined.

In the site must the woman meet in committee to get it completed fosterreduksjon.

A historical diminution of the Norwegian women’s abortion rights, believes the Labour party. And according to Dagbladet fresh poll, taken Tuesday and Wednesday this week, Labour party people.

Of those who have made up an opinion, eight out of ten (78 per cent) for self-determined fosterreduksjon. A total of 68 per cent for continued self-determination for the woman, 19 per cent against and 13 per cent responding don’t know.

There is a clear majority for self-determined fosterreduksjon in all the political parties – apart from the Sector.

“No,” the young women voices KrF

People can not be fool, ” says Ingvild Kjerkol, national healthcare spokesperson in the Labour party, who is not surprised by the numbers in the survey.

People realize that Erna Solberg has played a high game and put their rights into the pot. That a potential ban on fosterreduksjon may have as a consequence that there will actually be more abortions, because women can choose to end the pregnancy completely, I think also has made an impression on people. We can’t make laws that make it harder for people who already have it tough enough, says Kjerkol

yesterday published the Newspaper a recent poll where the Sector was 2.7 per cent approval rating.

– The low level of support to the Sector shows that it to run back “kristensaken” is kjemperisikabelt. The effect is not significant, but several measurements are well suited to the analysis, ” says Associate professor and political scientist Svein Erik Tuastad at the University of Stavanger.

– Bakgrunnstallene shows that “none” of young women voices in the Sector. The poll about tvillingabort shows that everyone other than His voters think it is a lousy case, ” says Tuastad.

Left alerts rematch on abortion

Olaug Bollestad, acting leader in the Sector, points out towards the newspaper Dagbladet that Norway has been one of the few countries in Europe who practice tvillingabort in this way.

– For the Progress it has been important to ensure that Norway is one of the most liberal countries in Europe in this area, by that we do not allow self-determined tvillingabort. It there will be disagreements, but in the KrF believes that it is important to specify in the legislation that this is not a practice it opens on a general basis. This issue was not current when abortloven was adopted over 40 years ago. That is why this debate is so important, says Bollestad to the Newspaper.

– Will not reduce the aborttallene

Kjell Åsmund Salvesen, head of the kvinneklinikken at St. Olav’s hospital, where all fosterreduksjoner in Norway is performed, do not think that nemndbehandling will reduce the aborttallene.

My contention is that just as many will be granted fosterreduksjon at the meeting of the board, said Salvesen to Today’s Medicine for that regjeringsplattformen was ready.

– When a woman first has decided to make a fosterreduksjon, they have good reasons and are well informed. They have set themselves well into the risk for the other fetus, ” says Salvesen, who points out that innskrenkningen in the law of fosterreduksjon will apply to a small percentage of women.

Fosterreduksjon is controversial in the academic staff, who just recommends the government’s new policy, that decision shall be added to the board.

– the Progress on the way towards the underpass

until three years ago, it was uncertain whether the tvillingabort would fall under the current abortlov, but in 2016 concluded lovavdelingen in the department of Justice that the current abortlov open for women who are pregnant with healthy twins, before week 12 can choose to abort away one foster and carry out the other.

Since 2016, it is made 14 fosterreduksjoner in Norway.

– Historical breach yelled At out Erna after 22. July: – directly unwell

Kjerkol believe the new practice, which now is sent on the study, will be a diminution in women’s self-determination and abortloven. She points out that Dagbladet survey confirms it.

.- The numbers show how strong the abortloven stands in Norway. It has broad support in all layers, both in women and men. The population also knows the history and knows that it was a grueling battle to get this important kvinnehelseloven in place. If Erna Solberg have imagined that it is possible to upset the abortloven without to get most of the people and the majority of their own voters against them, then she has misunderstood something important about the values in the Norwegian society.

The government has suggested is the historical breach of the limit for abortion on demand up to 12. week. People find themselves not in it. So instead of being offended over the demonstrations, they should add this very bad suggestion away for good, think Kjerkol.

Skrekktall for Erna