Åke Andrén Sandberg, president of sweden’s national antidopningskommission, is strongly critical of Russia’s actions.

– this will damage confidence in the antidopningsarbetet, ” he says.

In september, the international antidopningsorganisationen Wada suspension of Russian athletes. The decision to let Russia in idrottsvärmen is subject to, inter alia, to the country at the latest before the end of the year handed over the rådatafiler collected by the Russian dopningslaboratoriet. But the files have not yet reached the Wada.

the Wada management will meet to discuss, inter alia, the consequences of the Russian actions. ”Russia must be held accountable for their continued inability to cooperate,” writes the 16 antidopningsorganisationerna in their joint statement.

in Addition to Sweden, three other scandinavian countries behind the statement. It also makes, among others, the united states, France and Germany. The group of representatives of the national antidopingorganisationerna now invites Wada to withdraw its recognition of Rusada, the Russian antidopningsorganisationen.

Russia’s exclusion from international sporting events was a result of the data, the canadian lawyer Richard McLaren in 2016, as announced in his independent investigation. Mclaren’s investigation showed the Russian state’s involvement in doping during the 2012 OLYMPICS, the world athletics CHAMPIONSHIPS IN 2013, the 2014 OLYMPIC games and the sim world CUP 2015.

shutdown. But Russia has not yet complied with the requirements then were.

”the Situation is a joke and a shame for Wada and the global antidopningssystemet,” says Travis Tygart, the head of the U.S. antidopningsorganisation, in a statement.

Åke Andrén Sandberg, president of sweden’s national antidopningskommission, are on the same line.

– It is very difficult to have a antidopningspolicy here at home when it is released in this way, ” he says and continues:

– the First will disappear, the credibility of the russians, then for the international antidopningsarbetet.

– the IOC (International olympic committee) and Wada would like to have Russia again and I would like to see Russia come back, but it should not be this way.

the website comments on Christine Helle, head of the Swedish anti-doping, the joint statement of the 16 countries.

”We think it is extremely important that Wada is now showing a strong and decisive action to anti-doping rules shall be the same for all athletes and all nations. It is necessary for the global antidopingarbetet should have a high level of confidence. It is the only way we can show the clean athletes to compete in a fair and equal field.”