“Was killed Elsa, 14 – under and in the car no”

“Elsa, 14, dreamt of becoming a proffsryttare.”

“rather than run she death of a under the influence of alcohol without a licence in a car with bad brakes. “

“He left her on the road between Mora and Orsa.”

“the Trucker saw how the blue car drove on at high speed before it suddenly flew parts around the car. He thought that the car had collided with another vehicle.”

“But it was Elsa that the 49-year-old driver drove on.”

“The serious accident occurred on the evening of november 23 last year when she would cross the road from the bus stop just south of the Orsa. Now prosecuted the man for illegal driving, negligent driving, hit-and-run from the accident scene, and serious involuntary manslaughter.”

“He is convicted of drunken driving and hit-and-run, and has himself said in interviews that he drank more beer before Elsa got hit. “

“Many people stopped at the scene of the accident. A bus driver alerted SOS Alarm, the taxi driver Monalis Ferm la a blanket over the girl and a tvåbarnspappa on the way to the mountains made the cpr.”

“But there was nothing to do, Elsa was pronounced dead at the hospital. “

“A short distance from the scene of the accident found 49-see her bold fashion kvaddade car so the police quickly took the suspicion that it was he who run. But the vehicle was abandoned and the driver had left the scene on foot. “

“Among other things, saw an off-duty police man when he went along with the way where Elsa got hit.”

” I know JJ through my work as a police officer. I know JJ since the time of middle school, i.e. the early 1980s, writing the job the police in a avrapporterings-pm.”

“One of the firemen also recognized 49-year-old when he was passing by, according to police questioning.”

“But he disappeared before they made the link to the accident. The police later got hold of the man over the phone and despite the fact that he promised to hand over himself, he did not. He told several people in his proximity that he had driven the girl and that he felt bad over what happened, according to the police investigation. “

“Two days after Elsa died arrested the man at a pub in Falun and since then he has been in custody.”

“There was a driving ban on the car, 49-year-old was driving and both the brakes and the control system was bad. Nor has he a license.”

“49-year-old drove under the witnesses of over 100 kilometres an hour on a 60 road when the accident occurred, according to the police investigation. There was a heavy collision when he drove on the 14-year-old body and the hood was down. “

“the Police technicians found Elsa’s blood on the car’s windshield.”

“In January, she would have reached the age of 15 years.”

“– We would celebrate with family at home here, it was well thought of. And so longed she to take its epa licence, ” said Elsa’s mother Elisabeth to Aftonbladet for just a few days ago.”

“49-year-old denies the crime. “