A bittersweet farewell from the Slayer

the CONCERT Slayers last gig on Swedish soil becomes a dignified – but sad – ending to a more than 40-year-old thrash-era.

++++\nSlayer\nPlats: Hovet, Stockholm, sweden. Audience: 8940 (sold out). Length: 90 minutes. Best: ”South of heaven” is blytung in the evening. As well as publikfavoriten ”Raining blood”. Worst: it probably is the last time that I am witnessing the thrash-giants live. Question: Is this a real farewell or the start of a series of avslutningsturnéer à la Ozzy Osbourne or Ulf Lundell?

\nRedan 2013, after bandmate Jeff Hannemans tragic death, hintade frontman Tom Araya of Slayer was soon a closed chapter.

Guitarist Kerry King, however, was of a completely different opinion.

eventually, the two original members that continue for a while.

Fans around the world could take a breather.

until earlier this year, when the news of the iconic thrash metal band’s farewell tour ”Final world tour” shook hårdrockvärlden in the foundation.

the Tour, which in the evening has come to the capital. Unfortunately without Gary Holt in the statement.

the Guitarist dropped out of the tour after Sunday’s gig in Berlin in order to take care of his dying father.

the Cacophony of screams, the riff and roar

With super short notice, snatched the Machine Heads Phil Demmel in as a replacement.

A skilled guitar player during the concert in front of the Slayers låtskatt according to the art. But that, unfortunately, lacks holt’s empathetic presence.

the Loss of Holt, however, the evening’s only disappointment.

The powerful cacophony of Arayas screams, Kings of needle-sharp riffs, Paul Bostaphs piercing dubbelkaggar, the audience’s resounding singing and the euphoric roar makes the mood on the Court ultimately explosive.

And the band have brought out their heaviest artillery in the decor – and pyroteknikväg. In front of various backdrops fires, warming flames, and sometimes in the form of uppochnedvända cross, on a conveyor belt.

at the same time, ventilated, safe choice of song from almost every studio album. Songs from the flop ”Diabolus in musica” may thankfully sit on the bench.

Engaging with the audience from ”Seasons in the Abyss” and ”Reign in blood” resulting from collective headbangande.

jaw blow ”the Disciple” feels from head to toe. I nodding in agreement when Araya sober shout: ”I hate everyone equally”.

I get the tickling butterflies in the stomach when a almost crowded Court sings with in ”Dead skin mask”.

And nackspärren will smygandes when I dig in the pace to a staggering speed of ”Dittohead”.

colleagues in the industry such as Rob Zombie and Phil Anselmo think Slayer will get tired of the quiet pensionslivet after a couple of years.

Can there be a ”Final world tour 2”?

Hårdrockmusiker is known as a persistent and sustained generation. Ozzy Osbourne is the prime example.

But a future reunion, we can probably fetglömma. Araya seems to be rather tired of turnélivet.

During the concert, I feel, therefore, an internal storm of conflicting emotions.

Joy. Sorrow. Euphoria. Melancholy. Gratitude. Despair.

When the last song ”Angel of death” greeted by deafening cheers – and, to some extent, even a standing ovation – I feel a tear looking up in the corner of my eye. With the reservation that it may be a contact lens that is malfunctioning.

One thing is for sure: thrashens heavyweight champion finishes his career with honor intact.

Thanks for all, Slayer!

1. Repentless 2. Blood Red 3. Disciple 4. Mandatory Suicide 5. Hate Worldwide 6. War Ensemble 7. Jihad 8. When the Stillness Comes 9. Postmortem 10. Black Magic 11. Payback 12. Seasons in the Abyss 13. Dittohead 14. Dead Skin Mask 15. Hell Awaits Encore: 16. South of Heaven 17. Raining Blood 18. Chemical Warfare 19. The Angel of Death