Sint-Lievens-Houtem Councillor Marc Degroote (N-VA) on the municipal council of Sint-Lievens-Houtem is a proposal for a verkeersveiligere parking on the market Square from the canvases done. A discourse disappeared, however, into nothing when he later told me that he was recently flashed on the highway to 174 per hour.

Because a lot of motorists in the car park at the Houtemse market Square to use as a thoroughfare to the roundabout and the school environment to dodge, worked opposition party N-VA to draft a proposal. “Who’s at the bottom of the market Square, the parking lot bill, must pass the market hall be obliged to turn left to save at the height of the butcher’s shop back on the roadway. Who is at the top of the car park from the highway, can still to the bottom of continue. That way you avoid a lot of cars that cross each other, and get speed down of hardrijders that down the road. That could simply be solved by just beyond the market hall, a traffic sign for through traffic. We ask a trial of four weeks after which the situation can be evaluated”, explained Marc De Groote.

Ships of Mobility Tim De Groote (N-H) referred to the proposal of N-VA to the mobiliteitstafels and found no favour to a new traffic situation without consultation with the traders and residents. However, that was not to the liking of Nadia De Troyer (N-VA). “Then it takes another two years for there ever measures to be taken in the area of mobility”, she responded. Sp.a and CD &V were the proposal inclined and voted for. New Houtem agreed to the proposal of N-A road. Open Vld abstained in the vote.

The explanation of Marc Degroote for more road safety disappeared, however, into nothing when he later coolly told that he flashed was on the highway to 174 per hour. Did that both in majority and in opposition, quite a few eyebrows frown.