It was the first of november last year, the explosion in the parking lot of the Airport took place. A car was blown up with five pounds of dynamite, and several other vehicles holding the fire.

Three people were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and aggravated allmänfarlig destruction. No one was hurt, fortunately.

the Police: ”A second investigation,” in Three men have been charged, among other things, for the above-mentioned points, following an extensive police work. Further, two of the suspects have left the country.

” We’ve had a very good record of an analyst and a technician in the matter. The electronic tracks are an essential basis of the nature of the investigation. We are a recognised method, in which the various functions of the jackar to each other in a good way. It is a matter of serious organised crime, and in a second study. It will require resources and skilled personnel, who are able to work over a period of time, ” says Catherine Date of this press release.

the Investigation has taken place within the framework of the national special event, Frost, and the move of the police regions. Police in the Western region, has among other things worked with the region to the South. The raids have taken place in Lund, sweden, Norrköping, sweden, and Åstorp, sweden. Frost is now, but a part of the work will continue.

the Positive development in sweden and Malmö, but it misses the targets at national level.

READ MORE: , the Car is blown into the air, a charged READ MORE: Three in custody after explosion at the Airport. READ MORE: , the Chief of police: the Rime can be neuter lokalpolisenSkandiamannen – the hero who became a murder suspect

a Large document: The graphic artist which came to be known as the Skandiamannen Daniel Nyqvists transformation prior to the shooting: ”Sad”

, Friends of the suspect dubbelmördaren in Linköping, sweden • Isolated high ”There are a lot of question marks,”

survey – here are the games:the challenges facing this year ✓ Deficiencies ✓ play system ✓ the Economy.

Exfruarna defend Skandiamannen

engström’s family, ”He would not be able to do a fly-förnär.”

Leif GW Persson-on the news: ”Huge disappointment,”

the Professor, on the investigators conclusion

– Daniel Nyqvist, refused to show face arrest

Confessed double murder in 2004 • Häktningsförhandling began.
