escape is a rather clumsy way, to assert his innocence. As Yorgen Fenech boarded his yacht Giò, a motor boat with all the luxury, since the Maltese port of St. Julian’s was still in the Dark of the ending night. 5.30 PM, Wednesday Morning. The Navy was ready. They pursued the boat and forced it to reverse. Around 5.45 PM, the escape of the entrepreneur was already over. Fenech was arrested, the investigators still remained several hours on Board the Giò. They sought to Prove – finally, the arrest is in connection with the most spectacular criminal case of Maltese history: the murder of the journalist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia in the year 2017.

Yorgen Fenech is now in the centre of the investigation, after a suspected middle-man had called him in connection with the Contract killing. The informant, a taxi-driver, and loan shark, had taken the police last week. Officially, because of money laundering offences.

The Elite in his sights

Quickly but it was the public, that he should have been the middle man between the alleged murderers of a journalist and the clients. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat pledged in writing to recommend a pardon to the taxi driver, if this crucial information about the could be behind the attack on the journalist. Apparently, he called the businessman Yorgen Fenech. And thus the case draws wide circles: Fenech, the Maltese government collapsed in a crisis.

The journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, which is called in Malta, usually only Daphne, was on 16. October 2017 with a car bomb were killed. In the afternoon they had made with the car on the way to the capital city Valletta. A appointment at a Bank. On a country road, a few Hundred meters from her home in Bidnija, which exploded under her driver’s seat, and two explosive devices.

The news of Daphne’s death triggered a wave of vibration. In December 2017 the security forces surrounded then by Land and water, a crate in the port of Valletta and arrested several suspects. Including three men, to have placed the bomb in Daphne’s car and ignited. Triggered the bomb by SMS. The men have since been before the court, until today, they have expressed to the allegations with a single word. The investigators were quick to assume that the three men had only traded in the order. Professional criminals officially unemployed. Daphne had never reported or researched. Rather, they had the power elite of the country in the visor, in Particular, the since the 2013 ruling Labour Party of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. In 2016, it published documents from the Panama Papers, which implicated the government in a corruption scandal. Daphne’s son was part of the research team.

mystery: 17 Black

showing documents that energy Minister Konrad Mizzi and the chief of staff of the Prime Minister, Keith Schembri, the owner of letter box companies in Panama. Both founded shortly after the electoral victory of Labour in 2013. According to the Panama Papers, both companies should get a million in total, of a mysterious company, whose name in Malta, in the meantime, everyone is familiar with: 17 Black stick.

It came to these payments, but Schembri was able to dispel the suspicion that in this way, bribe money should flow payments. From whom he and Konrad Mizzi should have receive money? The wanted to find out Daphne. Also, courts have considered this question. At the end of journalists solved but the mystery, which had closed in the so-called “the Daphne project”, including the Recherchedesk of Tamedia. In November 2018, they found that Yorgen is Fenech is the owner of 17 Black.

Fenech operation with his family business, originally, Casinos and Hotels. In 2013, he was surprisingly in the company of a 450-million-Euro power plant project. Also, the German group Siemens is involved. Spring forward under the leadership of the power plant project: energy Minister Mizzi and chief of staff Schembri had driven.

Prime Minister Muscat said that the government and he had personally determined to find the truth.

Schembri and Mizzi preserved in spite of all the accusations, your main roles at the centre of Power. The Labour Party had put 2017 early elections and won comfortably. Minister Mizzi had to give up the Portfolio of energy. But de facto he also, according to this formal demotion, the fortunes of the Maltese energy sector. Schembri, Premier Muscat’s Cabinet chief remained. The three men were seen since the election victory of the Labour Party, as an inseparable unit, as a power of Malta.

Muscat was publicly behind his Familiar, and he did it again, even if weaker: “To date,” said the head of the government after the arrest, Fenechs, there is no evidence that politicians were involved in the murder case. The conservative Nationalist Party called on the entire government to resign.

Prime Minister Muscat said that the government and he had personally determined to find the truth. This also includes the prospect of criminal have to leave for the middle-man served. “I would not have chosen this, would be to us now, perhaps a Person of great interest got away.” Before the dawn.

Created: 20.11.2019, 21:59 PM