Esbjerg Energy will be severely punished for the two matchstraffe, Christian Wejse and Niklas Andersen sustained in Tuesday’s kvartfinalenederlag at 0-4 in the away game against Frederikshavn.

Each has played their last game of the kvartfinaleserien, as Esbjerg leads 2-1 in matches.

The writing, who has the information from the disciplinary board of the Danish ice Hockey Union.

Christian Wejse is sentenced to eight-match ban for a tackle in the halsregionen, while his opponent was standing near a gang, then the game was stopped.

Niklas Andersen have scored four-match ban for a tackle in the halsregionen.

Frederikshavn’s Mathias Mølgaard has contracted quarantine.

He gets three matches in the shade for a tackle in the back of an opponent, there smoke into the gang.

In fact, he can reach back to a seventh quarter-final.

the Teams meet in the fourth quarter-final on Friday night in Esbjerg. Played best of seven games in kvartfinaleserien.

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