A midwife and a maternity clinic is on Tuesday been found guilty of a string of cases of fraud against the Region of Zealand.

the Court in Næstved, denmark has sentenced the midwife to prison for eight months. She avoids, however, a stay in a cell. The sentence is namely subject to the condition that she performs community service of 150 hours. In addition to fraud, she is also found guilty of forgery.

at the same time the birth clinic, which is a limited liability company, has been sentenced to a fine of 200,000 crowns.

The unusual case has been treated under several court hearings, and as well the clinic as the midwife has refused to commit.

In the indictment considered the public prosecutor’s office Sydsjællands and Lolland-Falster Police, to which was committed the fraud in 26 cases. The claim has domsmandsretten agreed on near the three cases.

the Crime was committed, as the clinic had to settle for the provision of graviditetsundersøgelser, prenatal care and benefits for childbirth and maternity.

In a number of cases were settled at an incorrect and too high a tariff. In addition, the clinic eight times two invoices for exactly the same performance.

the Clinic also submitted in six cases, the forms with false signatures.

There was not sufficient evidence that the woman knew about the false invoices, write the court on its website. But she is responsible for the lack of control, and she accepted the risk that the region received erroneous invoices.

the Clinic’s gain on the offences referred to was in all 295.500 euros.

the Fraud took place from 2014 to 2016. It has been a long time ago. And it is especially the long duration, which makes that the woman avoids an unconditional sentence of imprisonment, informs the court about the decision.