In the case of fundraising activities for the benefit of the refugee-rescue organization, Sea-Watch, and in Italy captured captain Carola Missiles are more than one Million euros. A call for donations to the TV-moderator Jan böhmermann and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf on the website brought to Sunday evening more than 687’000 Euro. More than 25’000 people donated money. A in Italy, launched a collective action provided so far, donations in the amount of more than 410’000 Euro.

The 31-year-old Missiles for up to ten years in prison in Italy. The German captain was arrested in the night of Saturday, after you had controlled your ship Sea-Watch 3 with 40 migrants on Board, in spite of the ban by the Italian authorities in the Harbor of the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa.

A police boat tried in vain to prevent this. The boat would not be avoided, it would have been by the Sea-Watch 3 “” destroyed, said a police officer.

outrage in Germany

Racketes arrest has caused in Germany indignation. The German Federal President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier criticized the actions of the Italian authorities.

Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock called on the German foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, to be in favour of captain active. This applies particularly “with a view to the incomprehensible handling that Carola Missiles was placed under house arrest and only be able to contact their lawyers may have,” said Baerbock of the “world”.

The French government threw in Rome, meanwhile, a “strategy of the Hyster capitalization”. Government spokesperson Sibeth Ndiaye said in the channel LCI, the Italian Minister of the interior Matteo Salvini would exploit the refugee crisis””. The politician of the xenophobic Lega blame France and the EU’s lack of solidarity. Italy have received in the Wake of the refugee crisis around one billion euros in support of the EU, said Ndiaye. (chk/AFP)

Created: 01.07.2019, 04:36 PM