The “Munich-based bookmaker” record a Charge in the town hall – for all of you, it is not easy to be visible.

Antje Weber

the large sign at the entrance is missing, “Munich-based bookmaker”. But the opening had to be quick; just two weeks ago, the seven under the name of the merged publishers got the commitment, to be allowed in the hall between the screen-business and “München Ticket” a Store between use. Within a few days you will have cleaned, a floor laid, and “shelves in the chord together gekloppt,” Martin Arz from the stag beetle publishing told. And then, on the first of December: “Zack, come on.”

The first Flyer to this Pop-up project a radiant, Bettina Deininger from the oyster Bank publishing house from the bag, pulled out a week ago. As with many colleagues in the house of literature at the ceremony of the Bavarian publishing house prize, which this time went to the Amberg office Wilhelm. On the occasion of the tenth year of the award, a beautiful brochure was also with portraits of the previous winners, and the new arts Minister Bernd Sibler was the same time as a “literary Minister”. He was proud of the fact that the government is promoting the independent publishers so long: “The price is a political Statement.” However, silver also announced that one – look at a time in which one begins to engage with the Federal for the publishers – is now “more accurate” and the profile of the prize had to sharpen; the next will probably be awarded in two years. Who wanted to, could phrases like those, you wanted to be in the Ministry, “the chief lobbyist for the read and for the book”, after all, hope suggest.


Creative individual fighters

Martin Arz writes books and publishes them. In the meantime, his small Munich stag beetle-publisher celebrates its ten-year anniversary Of Karl Forster

Not all Indie publishers are with such Venüsbet vague prospects satisfied. It grumbles in the scene, even in the anniversary brochure, the funding has been received-discussion. So unclear, the future of the small company price, so it is clear, however, that cohesion of the small publishers more power: The new “bookmaker”-composite was first invited to this year’s market of the independents in the house of literature. And happily, the publisher also attacked, as the city, in contrast with the short-term Shop offer, more precisely: their expert team for culture and the creative economy. By the end of March are now allowed to issue the seven Munich-based publishers a total of about 200 books in the servants of the road, from the middle of January, you plan events.

hides Who creators exactly behind the “book”? All in all, they are “individual fighters”, at the most two, such as Thomas Peters from the Moors, the publisher explained, “but with quite different topics, profiles and target groups”. Bettina Deininger’s all part of the oyster Bank to the publisher demanding French literature laid in. The Edition SideShow by Thomas Endl has a Neuschwanstein-Thriller, a picture book about gay bear in the program, the Morris publishing holds with a “Antisocial Guide for Germany,” the Youtuber “Eastern Boys”. The Schillo publisher of Thomas and Sophie Schillo is a colorful blend of poetry, to cook, Susanna Rieder exclusively children’s books. Franz Schiermeier is specialized on maps and panoramas – and Munich-books, as well as Martin Arz from the stag beetle publishing.

For all of you, it is not easy to be visible, as some of the publishers to tell in the new Shop. In particular, the Monacensia-divisions of the book of acts were to be shrunk in the past ten years, say Arz and Schiermeier. The more beautiful you find it to be able to the books now for a few months directly with the crowd – and to fill at all with them for the shelves: “None of us has ever seen his full range in a bookstore,” says Schiermeier and pulls out a thick Band with extensive city views. He knows from long experience: “There is an interest in solid non-fiction books about Munich!” In the coming months, the Independent publisher will see in your own Store, in the extent to which the interest in purchases. Even more important than the business is to be known: the “presence” called the show Thomas Peters as the target. The “Best” is for him anyway, the common work that the group is growing slowly together: “We have all the fun.”