It’s the battle for customers and a quiet period, with falling purchase prices that are instrumental, type E24.

Some places have the price dropped to under 13 million literen. Both Circle K and YX, you can buy gasoline for the suggested retail price of 15,96 per litre on Wednesday, but later rejected YX at a rate of 12,86 million literen on Oslo’s west end.

– Right now we are in a period where it is used less fuel on a worldwide basis than usual, and it is to keep bensinprisene lower. But in the beginning of February, travel to the chinese on holiday. Then tend the global demand to increase somewhat, ” Thina Saltvedt of Nordea Markets to the E24.

She think the prices can blaze up again when the chinese new year should be celebrated in the beginning of February, then drag the chinese on holiday and bensinprisene goes up globally, something that also affects Norway. the

In the throat of the Reed after bensinprisrekord: – Extremely embarrassing