The Swiss Federation of trade unions (SGB) is at the Moment probably the most powerful European political actor in the country. The framework agreement with the European Union would probably be signed long before – would not practice in the SGB massive criticism of the negotiated contract, because he fears for the protection of the Swiss wages. The Federal Council as to how the parties is clear: to fight the framework agreement, both the unions as well as the SVP, in a popular vote, hardly a Chance.

so Far, the SGB-affiliated unions contributed to the course of their Confederation, for the most part without objection. This Saturday could, however, opt-out for the first time, a major trade Union in the opposition front. The Association of the staff of public services (VPOD) treated at its Congress in St. Gallen, a position paper on Europe that is different tonally and in part also the content of the SGB pronouncements.

That is a major Swiss trade Union explicitly supports the framework agreement would be a first.

“The VPOD want the relations between Switzerland and the EU be further developed”, it says in the position paper. “Longer still, Switzerland would stand as a work space of the industrial and the service sector, increasingly, of its lifeline depend on.” Clear the paper, as the necessary development is to ensure: “To do this, there needs to be a framework agreement.”

a large Swiss trade Union explicitly supports the framework agreement would be a first. The SGB saw has a framework contract as a desirable goal to add to make. With vehemence, he pointed instead to the fact that the negotiated Text of the accompanying measures for the protection of the local labour market of EU-Jurisdiction price.

The example of the UK deters from

VPOD-Secretary-General Stefan Giger would now like to send out a different Signal. He complains that it will leave the SGB in European politics, and a clear attitude. A chilling example of the UK is for him. “The Brexit disaster is not due to the fact that the Left obtains a clear Pro-European position.” Such a scenario, it is important to prevent here, says Giger. The framework agreement is a Must.

“This agreement is dead anyway.”VPOD-Secretary-General Stefan Giger

The delicate question of whether the agreement should be signed in the present Form, is expressed Giger, however, not exhaustive. The position paper is not on it. Giger is generally of the view that the agreements “were already dead” and new talks with the EU are needed. And as the SGB, he finds that there is a need for the protection of Wages the rate of improvement. He maintains an agreement was possible, especially since the EU will now be led by a new Commission. And unlike the SGB, he would not let himself compromise completely to waste: Accompanying measures such as the so-called 8-day rule would be applied in practice by some cantons already “flexible”.

support by delegates, it is still unclear

Ultimately, the VPOD guide to Giger’s statement want “clarity on the objective: a controlled relationship with the EU with a framework contract”. Yet to be seen whether the delegates are behind the strategy. A request from French-speaking Switzerland wants to underline the framework agreement as a target again from the paper. Giger, however, is confident of finding a majority.

Should encourage the turning of the VPOD other unions to more Cooperation with the EU, it would strengthen the proponents of the framework agreement. The SGB you want to know, however, from a substantive disagreement, nothing. Tonality and accents may differ, depending on the represented clientele from trade Union to trade Union, says SGB Central Secretary, Daniel Lampart. “The Decision is clear: All of our items to the framework agreement have been taken by our members, acting unanimously.”

Created: 08.11.2019, 18:36 PM