Unfortunately, no. We assume, we would be God and it would be possible for us to have all Betsmove the money in the world to disappear. What the consequence would be? Without money the exchange of goods and services is associated with a gigantic effort. I want to trade-in without money from another Person something, I need to offer that Person something in return, this is for you equivalent. If your fits, but nothing from me, I need to find someone who can that has the of my trading partners Want and it against something in my possession to trade. Our high-work-part of the world, in every product precursors, and the performance of a very large number of people from many countries, would not be under these circumstances, functional.

The power of money: It represents nothing other than value. And this value corresponds to the goods and services that can be purchased. Because it is against the majority of goods and services by direct exchange, money is also a measure and a store of pure value.

in other words: Just as long as something as a pure value funds is accepted, it serves as money. If the people no longer trust him and it will not accept – for example, in the case of a gigantic Inflation, then it loses its function as money. When that happens, or we would in fact abolish all existing money, immediately would serve something other than money. History shows, as cigarettes, furs, or stones as money were used as a General medium of exchange. Particularly suitable are noble metals such as silver and Gold but, because they cannot be artificially created because the amount is less than other goods manipulate, and because they do not spoil. The modern book and paper money, however, its function is due to the confidence that Central banks will keep its value stable.

Economically we would be without money very much worse off. But we’d at least be happier people? Here, too, the answer is negative; the abolition of the vile Mammon would not make the world a better place, but favouritism. Especially as our pursuit of Power and wealth and fear of poverty and descent have nothing to do with the money itself. The money is only for all the things that we fear or to lose. Because it represents this abstract and generally speaking, we give him such a importance. the

(editorial Tamedia)

Created: 07.12.2018, 20:34 PM