It is far from all, just easy math. But it is probably very few of us who have called emergency services for help for our blækregning.

nevertheless, it was exactly what happened when the alarm panel at police in Lafayette in the us state of Indiana got a phone call from a younger kid who was stuck in a math problem.

At the other end of the pipe on the emergency services took Antonia Bundy call with the elevated ro, as it dawned on her that the boy desperately needed help for something calculating with fractions.

In the above clip, which is posted on Twitter by the local police station in Lafayette, you can hear how the conversation proceeded:


Hello, hm, I’ve had a really bad day … and I would just, I don’t know.

Have you had a bad day at school?

: Yeah…

What happened at the school, since you’ve had a bad day?

: I just have tons of homework.

OK. Which subjects have you got homework?

: Mathematics. And it is so hard.

In an interview for the american news station ABC News explains Antonia Bundy, that she did not know the identity of the boy or where he lives. She also explained that it was the first time she received a call from a child who needed help with homework.

I could hear on him that he had a bad day. I think it helped him, that I took the time to help, ” says Antonia Bundy to ABC News. Photo: LafayetteINPolice/Twitter

But like a true heroine calmed she the kid and helped him through the task:

Is there a task I need help with?

Yeah, err, what is 3/4 + 1/4?

Okay, you have your task in front of you?

: yes.

Okay. if you put tretallet up over firetallet. Write it down on your paper.

: Okay.

And then you write plus and write ettallet up over firetallet.

: Okay.

Okay, what is three + a?

: Four.

Okay, so, what is four divided by four??

: A?

Yes! Such!

: Thank you.

It was so little. Was it your only problem?

: Yes. I am sorry, I called you, but I really need help.

It is quite in order. We are here to help.

Antonia Bundys employer praised her in Friday on Twitter to have responded as she did, but at the same time warned other against to call the police to get help for their homework.