Two men whispering in the Church of the great Minster. Are you from the Church to care for Stäfa and lay out a strategy. They are not, however, entirely in agreement in what your goal is. Except that they want to bid in the subsequent Verga Tung, one of the larger-than-life Zwingli characters. Only, what is it? In the case of the one bothering you the sword. On the other hand, the hat is missing. Agree, however, that you want to leave the Zwingli in their community wandering around. He’ll be on the panorama trail, then again … “most likely, we need for each location of a building permit”, speculate you.

The great Cathedral was occupied in the evening – no wonder, there was virtually preaching to a Mass. Eleven of Zwingli, plus a variety of other parish men were on the ground. And ecumenically. And ironically, the Catholics were represented by a woman: Frances Driessen-Reding, President of the Synodal Council. All of this brought Zwingli may be a bit out of the concept. One of the eleven had lost the head. He stood in a panic in front of the pulpit.

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It is a matter of “to launder money diaconal,” said grossmünster Church-pastor Christoph Sigrist, the Initiator of the project “Zwingli city”, the last Friday found its conclusion. Eleven of the fifteen Zwingli figures, which were between August and November, in the city of circles, and inspired “Zwingli-Gsprööch”, were auctioned for the benefit of the donations to Parliament.

the beginning of the integration Zwingli makes. The two auctioneers are on the pulpit, below is a Muppet Zwingli introduces the characters briefly, then, may be offered. Minimum Bid Of 1000 Francs. Minimum Steps Of 100 Francs. First, it runs slow. 1000, 1100 … 1400 a Lord calls all of a sudden “3000”. That is the ignition. 4000, 4500, then 8000 for the First, the Second, the third. A round of applause. The integration-Zwingli goes to the Dr.-Stephan-à-Porta-Foundation.

Not all the characters are the same desires: The Weird-bird-Zwingli, who stood in a circle 3, solves only 2000 francs. Most of the Social-Zwingli from the circuit 4 brings. Here are two, three women to beat again and again, finally, he goes for 9100 francs on the table.

Resinous starts of the Bishop-Zwingli. Already all teased quietly, as the Gant picks up but slow travel. Then a woman makes a rear series of short process: Of 4300 francs, they increased directly to 6200. For the First, the Second, the third. Synodical President Franziska Driessen goes to the console, where the successful bidders have to sign. Where is the Zwingli to stand with the Bishop’s hat? “We have the deer dig a small garden, where he will do very, very well,” says the woman. And adds: he Might go once to Chur in the holidays. Overall, the figures broke 56400 francs. Stäfa went away empty-handed.

Created: 06.12.2019, 22:51 PM