Since December security knew authorities of the theft of data. The individual has not been informed by the other. About members ranting now. Behind the fact a single perpetrator is apparently.

The Swiss Federal office for security in information technology (BSI) had already been informed for weeks about the massive theft of personal data of politicians and Celebrities. “We have already spoken very early in December with the help of individual members who were affected, accordingly”, said BSI President Arne Schönbohm compared to Phoenix. It had been taken counter-measures. Among other things, a special team had been dispatched for assistance in Concerned. “Therefore, at an early stage, certain actions,” said Schönbohm.

criticism of the flow of information

Because the information about the data theft but have not been given, apparently, to other authorities, the BSI in the criticism. Thus, the Federal criminal police office (BKA) learned according to their own representation only in the night to Friday of the event. “The Federal Agency must explain its approach to and critical review”, called for the FDP to digital politician Manuel Höferlin. You have to wonder about the information policy of the authority.

Left party leader Dietmar Bartsch responded indignantly: “Given the Dimension of the data, Klaus, the not information of party Chairman by the authorities is totally unacceptable,” he said.