A company with threads to circle around the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has transferred large amount of money through Nordea’s branch on Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen.

the Money came from the panamanian company Dino Capital. It has links to Sergei Roldugin, who is one of Putin’s friends and among other things, is the godfather to one of the presidential daughters.

It writes the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten erhvervsmedie, Finance.dk.

Nordea has been accused of money laundering of the british-american investor Bill Browder, who sent a large number of documents to the fraud squad.

the Documents show, according to Finance.dk, that Dino Capital through a year – from march 2012 to February 2013 – transferred 78 million dollars to an account in Nordea.

the Money went to Hatley Investments, which is registered in The British Virgin islands. This company also sent money the other way.

the Transfers from the Dino Capital was among other things explained such as payment for advice or repayment of debt.

But when foreign companies without to use a Danish bank as a staging point, it can be a sign of money laundering. It has hvidvaskekspert Jacob Dedenroth Bernhoft previously held opposite the Finance.dk.

Nordea will not comment on specific customers. But the risk manager Julie Galbo says that the bank has been too bad to prevent money laundering.

– We must admit that we has been historically misused for money laundering, and to our defense on hvidvaskfronten not have been strong enough. We are very, very bored of this, and this, we regret, says she to Finance.dk.

Nordea has closed the department for international clients in the branch on Vesterbrogade, which is the center of the suspicious transfers, Bill Browder prosecutor Nordea to have allowed.

the fraud squad currently have a case running against Nordea.

Bill Browder has also accused Nordea to be used for money laundering in Norway, Sweden and Finland.

He says to have proof of suspicious transactions to a value of 2.7 billion crowns.