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as the fired a-box director Michael Valentine’s flawed economic dispositions have been revealed, as has the chairman of the board Allan Luplau had extremely busy at the sink.

yesterday, Monday, was, however, closed to the hot water. After weeks of articles about his involvement in the cases reported Luplau out, that he was withdrawing from the post in the Academic A-box.

One of the cases deals with the 400,000 generous crowns, the a-box members had to pay, since in september 2017 was held 50-year fødselsdagsreception for Michael Valentin. Here Allan has Luplau stoutly denied knowing anything for the reception.

‘No one on the board had anything to do with the planning of fødselsdagsreceptionen.’ ‘The board of directors nor had any insight into the economy. Such an insight is achieved in this fall.’, have the answer sounded from the lawyer for the Academic A-box, Morten Langer, in an email to Ekstra Bladet.

(the Article continues under the picture)

Here is the invitation to the Valentine’s reception – which was published in several newspapers – and where it is clearly stated that Allan Luplau is hosted.

But the invitation to the reception area and a confidential memorandum in the case drawn up by a whistleblower, tells a completely different story. In connection with the reception was so spent several thousand dollars on placing advertisements in Berlingske, Børsen and Politiken. And herein it appears black on green, that it is Allan Luplau, who is the host at the event. According to the whistleblower had Valentin and Luplau also a correspondence on the expensive ads:

’the President has been familiar with the placement of large ads in the respectively. Berlingske, Politiken and Børsen, as he must be presumed to know is a costly affair’, writes the whistleblower.

According to professor Anders Drejer, Department of business and Management at Aalborg University there is also no doubt that Luplau is responsible for the reception:

– The case is soleklar. Whether Luplau has been involved in the planning or not, he should have known it – otherwise he is simply too stupid. And he has known it, then there is much to suggest that he has been dumber than the police allow. The he can not talk themselves out of. When he is a signatory on the invitation, so must he, of course, what this has cost, he says.

In the invitation, you can also see that the event runs from 14-16. In addition to a – rated out from the pictures – considerable number of bottles of red and white wine, then, according to the internal memo also purchased 30 anchor draft beer and 200 bottles of sparkling wine for the ca. 250 guests. It corresponds roughly to each guest in the course of the two hours have had to bottoms up a bottle of wine and nine draught beers.

the whistleblower points out that there ‘remains an intercompany account ift. what has become of the leftover wine and fadølsankre. According to the note, it has been claimed by a head in a box, to the excess drinks was used the day after to Michael Valentine’s private birthday party. It has Valentin, however, flatly rejected to Ekstra Bladet.

Michael Valentin has also previously flatly rejected to Ekstra Bladet, that he was responsible for the planning of their birthday celebration. The task was the chairman of the board Allan Luplau as host, insists Michael Valentin.

– He stands as the sender of it all, says Michael Valentin of Allan Luplau, and continues:

– I had nothing to with the event to do. I asked along the way in the process, what was going to happen, and there I was told that I should put myself to be surprised, he has previously stated.

In a written comment to the Ekstra Bladet rejects Allan Luplau, however, remains, that he knew the total price for the expensive birthday reception.

‘I’ve approved annonceringens design, but has not been involved in the price. But I have now been informed that the price was approx. 62.000 dkk. Neither I, the presidency or the board of directors has been involved in the planning of the reception, just as we have not been informed of or approved the cost of the reception. In the light of the knowledge we have now, we should of course have been closer to the process, recognizing Allan Luplau.

the Birthday reception is just one of many cases that burden the Allan Luplau – and Anders Is do not believe that he had no other choice than to withdraw:

– It is a pure tilståelsessag. He has in one way or another been involved in the here – and therefore he has no choice.

– It all culminates after all, a little, when Ekstra Bladet will publish a video down from Valentine’s dungeon, where the two are enjoying themselves. The arrangement understand I simply do not, he makes up for – and if you finally do, then you have to at least make sure that it is not being filmed. It is the torskedumt. Although promillen is high, so is still chairman of the board, he says.

Exactly the relationship between the two wine-friends Valentin and Luplau has been highly problematic, assess the Anders Case:

– It becomes easily a major problem for an organization. The chairman of the board has according to the Danish companies act very much power, and if he is a little too good friends with the director, so he can among other things prevent whistleblowere and free information.

– It also becomes a dispute between two old Danish words: loyalty and honesty. To be fair to the organisation, and if the chairman is a loyalty to the director and vice versa, so prevent he, in fact fairness.

the Board of directors in the Confederation of A-box proclaimed yesterday, Monday, to an over 100 pages long lawyer-study – made of a box with its own attorney concludes that neither the board of directors, the presidency, or the remaining directors can be held liable for the circumstances which led to the sacking of former director Michael Valentin.

Anders Case is now not so sure:

– Since Valentin went out, he wrote, that there was nothing criminal to come after. And it looks very much, as you know, there is. It is an attempt to close the case – and with Valentin, we have of course looked into to several politianmeldelser, he says.

Extra Magazine could be in september reveal that Michael Valentine had been fired as director of Academic A-box per 27. september.

After several weeks with articles about dubious transactions in the a-box and told the chairman of the board Allan Luplau out the 17. december that he will resign at an extraordinary repræsentantskabsmøde the 4. January 2019. The two vice-presidents Janice Sillassen (Ingeniørforeningen) and Ole Helby (the Danish Association).

A box constituted director, Britt Dyg Haun, and secretary Line Verbik Byriel is ‘resigned by mutual agreement with the board of directors.

A-the box has even launched a legal inquiry. At the same time the Danish Agency for Labour market and Recruitment launched a tilsynsundersøgelse with the assistance of the Attorney general. This is not yet completed.

Ekstra Bladet has revealed that the internal study bl.a. have referred to alleged harassment and bullying of tillidsfolk.

the Extra Leaf has also revealed that:

– a-box has reported to the police, Michael Valentin, to have received kickbacks in the form of wine tours for the 40,000 crowns.

– Later told a cashier again Michael Valentin to the police. This time, in order to allow a cashier to pay for the food and serving at the director’s private events.

the now fired director has supported the Løkkefonden with 50,000 dollars in order to get access to Lars Løkke. It succeeded, as Lars Løkke came by Confederation of A-box in February 2015 for a one-hour meeting.

– a-the box has paid for a wellness stay for Michael Valentin to 25,000 kr., that was approved by the chairman of the board Allan Luplau.

– a-box members paid 400.000 crowns for Michael Valentine-hour front desk, when he was 50 years old in 2017.

– Michael Valentin was their man. Combined, he has given friends from vinklubben orders for 2.6 million. kr. in the a-box. This applies to everything from counseling to art and podcasts.

– Michael Valentin got a checkout to rent the premises at Johan nielsen came high School for 250.000 dollars. The premises, however, were never used, and later came Michael Valentin on the school’s board of directors.

– Chairman of the a-box, Allan Luplau, was vinven with the fired director, and he has several times been sitting at the table during dinners in the director’s villa, where the a-box paid.

believe that top management is ‘greasy’ in the case.

‘There is a fundamental need to get cleaned up in the senior management of a-checkout’, writes the whistleblower to the members of the a-box two top bodies – the board of directors and the 57 members of the board of governors.

As a result of the case have Michael Valentin also resigned the post of president of the people’s meeting on Bornholm. At the same time, he has lost five directorships in various companies.

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