Although Teleankenævnet formally provides only three customers in that they now have the requirement of 1000 kroner in compensation from the Oister, so should a larger number be compensated, believe It Think.

the Case goes back to 2017, when Oister suddenly ran from an earlier promise that a large group of customers should never have to pay more for their subscription.

And the new decision from a unanimous teleankenævn is quite principled.

– Now it is settled, that the company is not just a promise, it is unrealistic to live up to. And that it has a cash consequence, if you do it, says the chief economist and teleanalytiker of the Consumer council Think, Martin Salamon, to Ekstra Bladet.

He sits himself in the tribunal and has participated in the consideration of the matter, but shall not, solely as the representative of the Consumer council Think. And in that role, he is not in doubt that the Oister should contact all customers, which in its time was promised a subscription with the same price for always.

– Oister has promised all customers from the time that they would get a fixed price for the always.

– When they fail to live up to that promise, they must of course pay compensation to the whole of its customer base and not just to those who now have been upheld, believes Martin Salamon.

Documentation: The writing Oister

Teleankenævnet have the 8. april 2019 adopted a decision in your complaint regarding the “Award For Always”, which Teleankenævnet has informed Oister on the 9. april 2019. Teleankenævnet have given you partially upheld and has determined that Oister must pay you 1,000 DKK in compensation.

Oister has chosen to follow the Teleankenævnets decision and thus end the matter, as the Oister want to maintain the good customer relations, we have for you.

Source: the Message to one of the three customers, who have been unsuccessful in Teleankenævnet

Oister rejected, however, on Wednesday afternoon, that the company intend to compensate anyone other than the three customers, who just have been right.

His advice to customers is therefore clear.

– So one must write to the company and ask for compensation.

– And if they do not pay – as in other cases, where one does not believe to have got the right – you can make a complaint to the Teleankenævnet over the rejection.

Martin Salamon estimates that the matter is far from obsolete. This means that even customers who have not complained, rightly, can claim that they have been waiting for the decision, which now has come.

You can read the entire decision from the Teleankenævnet here.