I was born and raised in Denmark, and had at the age of 15 years no knowledge of Hellerup or schools close by beach road, Old Hellerup, north of copenhagen, Ordrup Gymnasium and Øregård

I knew no one who attended Øregård Gymnasium, a secondary school which is located in the heart of Hellerup and is often known as ‘high school where princes went’.

I knew even also no from the rest of the world, but an acquaintance told me good about Øregårds facilities and professional level, and this was precisely what I sought. Therefore, my choice at Øregård Gymnasium, when I was going to put the name of my first priority of colleges in the country.

so begins the nation’s! Khalil a letter, on the ghetto issue, parental responsibility, and the ability and desire to take care of his school in a proper way. For Khalil – who today is a student at CBS in Copenhagen – think there is something wrong, and therefore continues his letter thus:

As I stood with my beautiful studenterhue on the head in the summer and had completed three years of training at Øregård , I felt relief.

Not only the face, to have a bony hard academically, but mostly because that’s hiding an ugly and twisted culture among Hellerups youth. A culture in which I was allowed to experience and be witness to through my three years in the city which bears the postal code 2900.

It was hard to fall to among the youth of the world, and even after three years, I felt never that I was a part of it.

I have never been the type to have partied very much, and could quickly notice in introperioden the first year, I often had to say ‘I think I will be at home with the family in the evening’.

– And quickly grew to a community based on city tours, alcohol and money, as I was never a part of.

– so, I went the first year several times with serious concerns about a gymnasieskift, but had to admit that the academic level as well as the facilities on site were good that I would let me beat out of the others view of things.

I kept rather close together with the comrades who had the same vision as myself – to take care of my schooling and take advantage of the professional level of the school, and to refrain from interfering in the forskruedes lifestyle.

– While in Denmark we always talk about the young people in ghetto areas and always have the same debate that parents have a responsibility in these matters, so sheds no problem in the opposite front, that of the youth in the north of Zealand, who are born and raised with a guldske in the mouth.

– And what starts out as a slightly arrogant attitude, seasoned with daddy’s Debit in the scrotum, ending in many cases in serious cases.

Lifestyle among many of the young people in the world was actually very simple, but also ugly.

– It was about who had the most money. Who had the most power.

– Who had the most to say. Who had the most expensive bags and the coolest cars.

And who had the most expensive bottles in the night clubs. Where I was previously accustomed to, that people talked about what they had to do in the weekend, or what movie they should watch in the cinema, it was suddenly about something else entirely.

– How expensive a board was to be in the city tonight? It to 10,000 or 15,000? Who would? Was him from class now tough enough to be allowed to be with?

– I experienced often the culture as a swingdør.

– I saw people come into the school, because they had heard good things about the facilities, then again to go a few weeks after, because the social pressure was too great.

– Often, I felt as though, that there were four types of young people at the school.

1. A large group, which even cultivated it twisted outlook on life.

2. A group that could not cope with the way the other was on, and chose to seek new roads.

3. A group in which I myself would be included – the group which also could not cope with the culture out there, but chose to hang on to, and tried as far as possible, to concentrate on his schooling and not everything else.

3. And then there was actually a small group, which was torn so much with the culture and livssynet, they changed 180 degrees.

I even had a good mate in 1.g, which slowly changed their behaviour and had a need to tell people that he was rich and had more cars and houses around the world – something which we all knew was a lie, and also something that is completely known.

– Indeed, because the pressure can be so large that you feel an urge to be like all the others, and begin to start lies about one’s bank account.

I think it is the most pity for those, who felt so much pressure, that they let themselves get carried away with, or whether I feel the most sorry for them as even cultivated the insane culture, I don’t know.

– But where is the responsibility? Who is responsible for this absurd culture among Hellerups youth, as is about everything else than normal schooling and a good community? For me it’s a mix of two things.

– the Parents are too busy with their own business, and therefore simply let the young people who are being left to fend for themselves most of the time.

– And as a plaster on the wound, paying the father what than they now may require financial resources, resulting in that these young people do not have any relationship to the money.

– at the same time, these parents are not particularly engaged in their children’s schooling, because they feel that the legacy does, they always have something to fall back on.

It is this enormous group pressure, which is felt from the second one enters into the environment.

And I guess you can somewhere understand it as a 15-16 year old, can be hard to see his classmates in the Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Givenchy.??

– I’m not out to generalize, and therefore I would like to state that this is what I experienced during my three years.

And at the same time was there for me not a finger to put on the school’s professional level, which was high due to the great facilities, mixed with the skilled teachers that was clearly carefully selected by the management.

– However, I experienced greater social problems among Hellerups wealthy youth, than I had thought I would, ending Khalil.