Four days.
as long As got 2. the deputy mayor in the Way Anni Grimm as a member of the Liberal Alliance.
the President of the Liberal Alliance, Alex Vanopslagh, want: to no longer have her as a member of the party.
The harsh reaction happening, because she is in a new interview with Extra Magazine – which you can read below – does not want to put the distance to controversial statements about homosexuals.
LA-president Alex Vanopslagh thank even Extra Leaf to reveal the Anni Grimm’s standpoint. He writes in a written comment:
‘In the talk I had with Anni Grimm up to her switch to the Liberal Alliance, she has assured me that the debate, she took the time, made her smarter, and that the views she aired at the time, no longer existed.’
‘I can so understand is not true, in that she publicly affirms his views in the article, and I would really like to thank the Extra Magazine to inform me about it, when Anni not even have made it.’
‘On the background I set for Liberal Alliance executive committee, who will take the kind of decisions here with us, to Anni expelled from the party. The kind of views do not belong in neither a liberal and frihedsorienteret party – or in 2020.’
It is not, because gay people fill the streets in Gesten, but Anni Grimm bother just don’t see that men kissing each other. Photo: Anders Brohus
Anni Grimm took out in 2017 an op-ed, where she in the strongest terms, expressed her disdain for homosexuals in public life.
‘These deviants will impose on me and others, partly to attend their more or less provocative sexual behaviour on the public street or on national television, and secondly to provide a requirement that I must think, that their afvigertrang is ‘normal’.’
How she wrote among other things in the Jutland west Coast.
Subsequently, she was beaten in place of the Danish people’s Party, of which she was a member of at the time.
See also: Homophobic DF’is the knock on the place: – She is not in doubt, what we believe
In december 2018, she was on and watched until the other day his place in the city council as such.
7. June could you once again read about Anni Grimm in the Jutland West. Now she was a member of the Liberal Alliance. On Facebook and a press photo asked Alex Vanopslagh up to the photo with the new party member.
But the relationship between the Grimm and LA was brief.
the Reason is the following interview, as the Extra Leaf made with Anni Grimm on Thursday at noon.
– You have been out with krabasken for homosexuals in the past. What has Alex Vanopslagh said of it, now that you are a member of a Liberal Alliance?
– I have all days been a liberal. Therefore, I do not think, my attitudes must be changed. I don’t care what minorities it’s all about. If you have to be spacious so that should be it for those who do not agree in all cases.
– I have no problem, I’ve got a really good reception. It is I pleased.
– So you have not been told, that in the Liberal Alliance, you will have to speak more open minded about gay people?
– There is not anyone who has said to me that I all of a sudden be a different person with different attitudes. I’m in the middle in 2020, so it may be there is someone who is not reached longer than to 2017.
– I have it how I have it. I have a fine life. I am simply SO flexible about how people should be allowed to live.
– the Only place the chain jumps of is, if other people will not be flexible ift. me. I also have opinions and attitudes.
– So you are still of the opinion that the homosexuality that is being unfolded in the open street and national tv, making demands of you that you must think that ‘afvigertrang’ is usually, as you wrote at the time in the Jydske Vestkysten?
– I have no more comments to the old story. I’ve moved on. It is I kept up with to comment on.
– Have you changed the position, or do you stand by what you have written?
– I have exactly the same desire for the freedom of all people, as I’ve had all day. But someone can’t figure out how to read silently. It gave I expressed already at that time.
– do you Think homosexuals have a ‘afvigertrang’?
– I have no desire to spend more energy on the old story, you.
– But now you have changed a lot. LA’s leader in the municipality stresses that there are high ceilings in the LA. So it may well wonder that you think homosexuals have a afvigertrang?
– I have said This in 2017. I can formulate things in all sorts of ways.
– For my sake, all men must live as they like, as long as they are not bothering anyone. And do not violate the law. It applies to all sorts of other. It is also true for me. If people are going to rely on inclusiveness, so I would also like to have part in the spaciousness. So one should not keep people outside of the spaciousness, because they don’t agree all the way through.
– There is something wrong. I think minorities – not only about gays and lesbians – have received an incredible power in Denmark. It pikerede me. One should not make a whole society about every time, there are three, there has been a group who believe one thing or another.
– So you will still be provoked, if two men kiss on the street?
– It is not my cup of tea. But they must although. I have it such that the sexuality in the external format belongs to privacy.
– But if a married couple with a man and a woman kiss on the street, how you have it so?
– I do not go and judge people. I don’t care whether they do one or the other. It must the although. The way people act, they must expect to give rise to discussion. Anyone have an opinion on it. It shall always think of with the behavior, one puts for the day.
Anni Grimm informs that she is a resident of the town Gesten north of the Road with 1200-1300 inhabitants.
– there Are many homosexuals who practice their sexuality in the city you live in?
– No, it is not there. You do not sit behind the curtains and keep an eye on what people they do. It is fun, it is so interesting. People do what they do.
– How did you get the idea that they are imposing on you their ‘afvigertrang’?
– In a period of time was the tv, newspapers and magazines out on the grasslands, which states that if you are a minority, then you have special rights. I do not believe that one should. One must have a proper treatment. You are not entitled to have special rights. Where we end up then henne?
– Is there a difference between homosexuals and heteroseksuelles rights monitor. to keep in hand on the street?
– It must the although. Again. It is not only about that minority. The behavior we all put forth information, comments or a raised index finger out in the community. It is to be expected, if you relate in a way that sticks of from what most do. How is the world put together, says Anni Grimm.
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the Liberal Alliance has recently been devastated by the escape from the ranks in the wake of Alex Vanopslaghs took.
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