As the coronaepidemien began to wash over most of the world, put a sudden and efficient stop to the cruise industry. Many ships were put in quarantine, while the virus spread among those on board, and since were new races have been put on hold.

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One ship continued, however, his circumnavigation of the globe with passengers on board: MV Artania. Only on Monday this week – and-a-half years after departure, the ship reached to the end, as it docked in the German port of Bremerhaven.

It writes CNN Travel.

The large cruise ship with capacity for 1200 passengers is not, however, sailed untouched through the crisis. According to the media and spread covid-19 among the passengers already in march, in which 36 were tested positive for the ship’s arrival to Australia.

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It got the bulk of the able-bodied passengers to abort the trip and fly home. Eight preferred, however, to stay on board and finish the journey to the sea – and they were allowed to.

in recent months, they have been the only passengers in the world, there still was traveling on a major cruise liner, writes CNN Travel.

Actually the trip from Australia to Bremerhaven only have taken a couple of weeks, but the journey was considerably lengthened by the coronakrisen. Along the way, the ship had in fact make several stops in Asia, in order to put the staff in their home countries.

in Addition to the eight passengers, however, there was still 75 employees back on the ship, as it arrived in the German port city.

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