on Sunday evening I sat down – full of expectations and half-full of red wine – in front of the screen to see Sara Bridge on DR2.

– But excuse me – a better argument for abolishing the DR and the license I have rarely seen.

so begins the Ropes G a letter to the editor to the nation! on the DR2s new talksshow with Sara Bridge in værtsrollen. The ropes are not the only one who wonder about the programme’s content and form. Politiken’s reviewer wrote ‘Reviewer: Sara Bros new talk show was so tåkrummende embarrassing, superficial and tasteless, that it almost was not to keep out’ and on the DR2s Facebook will used words like ‘bland’, ‘plat’, ‘shit’, ‘idiotic’ and worse. The theme of the first program was death. the

Tove Gs letter – as a nation! have asked DR2 answer – continues as follows:

– She (Sara Bridges) destroyed both the conversation with the ‘Other’, and with her, the priest (Kathrine Lilleør red), and as a viewer, it was embarrassing.

– Can Extra the Magazine does not find out what the meaning of the program – that is, in addition, to promote the Sara Bridge, writes the Ropes G and statsradiofoniens head of the culture and society Flemming Hedegaard is in the answer he sent to the Ropes and the nation! totally with you on that there is room for improvement:

– the Ambition with Sara Bridge on DR2 is to give viewers a new and fresh take on how we, through the talk show genre can unfold important and key samfundsemner and grab an audience, who do not perceive themselves as users of the traditional community programs.

– Sara Bridge has throughout his career proven repeatedly that she is through a personal introduction and his very own style can bring in guests and topics for new places to go that provide surprising perspectives and creates its own dynamics.

– As it always is with new programs, the program must fall into place and are currently working editors intensely to remedy the deficiencies and the ambiguity was in the premiere, says head of culture and society, Flemming Hedegaard, but what do you say?

There was 71.000 that came with as the premiere program was broadcast on Sunday. 51.000 so, re-broadcast, and 31.000 seen on DR TV (streaming). the
What is happening with the program number two?