‘HH’, ‘SS’ and ‘NAZI’. In Denmark and many other countries do a lot to avoid references to the Second world War on cars ‘ license plates.

You will for example never be able to find the three aforementioned songs on Danish plates. But the authorities ‘ filter can, however, have holes, shows a case from the state of Kansas, UNITED states. Here are a number of complaints now received the authorities to revoke all the license plates with the combination of ‘JAP’.

It is due to the ‘jap’, which is perhaps best translated ‘japser’, used derogatorily of u.s. citizens with japanese roots, both during and after the Second world War. Nevertheless, running a total of 731 cars around with bogstavkombinationen on the back, writes the news agency AP.

the Case of the derogatory license plates began allegedly rolling a year ago, when the 70-year-old Keith Kawamoto, who has japanese roots, got an eye on a car, bar nummerpladeteksten ‘442 JAP’ in California.

He rushed to take a picture of the license plate that was issued in Kansas, and subsequently wrote a complaint to the state authorities.

– I let them know that it is considered a very derogatory raceudtryk, and that I do not think it should be allowed anywhere, says Kawamoto to the AP.

He had, however, not much luck with his complaint. The authorities ate him with an excuse, but Keith Kawamoto was not so easy to shake off. He therefore sent his picture to the newspaper Pacific Citizen, which is targeted to the japanese minority.

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the Newspaper brought the picture and did thus also american-japanese people residing in Kansas aware of the problem. One of them was the 67-year-old Barbara Johnson, who was so offended that she decided to follow in Keith Kawamotos footsteps and complaint.

– I can remember that as a child I was called ‘japser’ – and how it made me feel small and hurt to be called, she says to AP, and adds:

– It was not a good time to be japanese after Pearl Harbour and the Second world War.

Barbara Jonsons complaint to the authorities to listen and not at least decide to revoke all the license plates. According to the AP, all received 731 unfortunate car owners on Tuesday of this week a letter stating that in the course of the next 30 days must have a set of new plates.

It is far from the first time, ‘jap’-bestegnelsen is slipped through the filter. Pacific Citizen cites several cases where the authorities have had to draw the plates with the unfortunate combination back from North Carolina in 1982 of California in 1997 to the canadian province of New Brunswick in 2013.

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