Ostend This time no parades or speeches to come for a better climate. A picnic on the beach, between the Kursaal and the Zeeheldenplein, had the requirement for a robust climate policy in the netherlands.

“There have been many marches and parades, in good and bad weather. This time we wanted the quieter, but still a clear message to the politicians,” says Show Lambrecht of the organization Youth for Climate. “There was criticism when the spring mid-term break less young people took to the street to protest. But if you the emergence of today are watching, we can that criticism of table swipe: also in the easter holidays young people are willing to make themselves heard. We continue to voortdoen until the elections.” An estimated 400 to 600 young people and the elderly, such as the movement of ‘Grandparents ‘ for the climate’, signed present. Also a television producer and activist Nic Balthazar drew present, just as Green-politicians Silke Beirens and Wouter De Vriendt. On the beach fell a few slogans, such as ‘I came, I saw, I drowned ” or ” We will continue to complain until something is going to happen’. There were also, among other wristbands sold to 2 euro. With the income next month a festival is organised.