the Crisis continues for pizzakæden Domino’s in Denmark. B. T. writes on Sunday that a string of Domino’s restaurants have switched the CVR-number, which formally is a ejerskift.

It allows you can freely choose whether you want to show old smiley-reports to the customers.

a senior Adviser in the food policy at the Consumer council Think Camilla Udsen believe that there is a deliberate strategy:

– It doesn’t look pretty. There is a pattern, where Domino’s abusing the system to selectively continue the good ones and discard the bad, she says to B. T.

According to the newspaper, there is talk of several of the Domino’s branches in the consumer programme ‘Operation X’ on TV2 in september were revealed to have serious problems with the datomærkning and hygiene.

in Addition to the ownership changes in the six restaurants have closed down seven Domino’s branch after hygiejneskandalerne.

Domino’s informs to B. T., that since October has changed the procedures for the transfer of ownership, so that it now transmits all the kontrolhistorik by changed ownership.

One of the stories, Ekstra Bladet has described, is the following on the Domino’s in Ballerup:

See also: Food from Domino’s: Wash bum with a soda bottle

See also: Domino effect: Now, close just eat seven shops

Opinions Karen Thisted: Fy of hell, it is cheap,