It would be so great, but the sexual act between Robert Risager and Fie Laursen in yesterday’s episode of ‘Ex on the Beach’ has had grave consequences for the Fie Laursen, who svines to an extent the otherwise skandalevante the potential to never previously experienced.

It happens as a direct consequence of the clip as Discovery Networks released from the program, and which was conveyed in several Danish media – including the Extra Magazine.

– I am experiencing so much hatred. I’m fine with, I have made the things in the program, and I’m fine with showing it, but it is not cool to read the comments. People are nasty, says Fie Laursen and provides examples.

– People write, that I am disgusting, a whore, and that I must die. There is a lot of ‘slutshaming’ targeted me. It is funny that it is always the girl who would be hate and not the guy. There are no negative comments on that Jeppe also have sex. It was the same as Amanda and Mark were together in the program, there was only Amanda who was hated.

Danish celebrity Fie after topless photos: I lose me not

According to the Fie Laursen she has never previously experienced the ‘nasty comments’.

– A wrote that I should be killed, and that we may hope, ‘she doesn’t lay eggs’. It’s all about, that I’m cheap.

The violent comments triggered a physical reaction in realitystjernen.

– yesterday I got a headache and threw up, and I’m not pregnant, I threw up because I got physically ill. It is 100% worse than I had anticipated, she says.

Film, tv & radio – 17. mar. 2019 – at. 07:47 See it here: the First few crack in ‘Ex on the Beach’

Fie Laursen is therefore calling for a greater focus on the ‘slutshaming’, because no one has earned the flurry of messages, which have been targeted to her.

– There must be something focus on it, and people need to understand that it takes two to tango. Why is it always the girl, it must go beyond, and the girl who must svines? We are in 2019, but yet it is the woman, it goes beyond. Mark and Robert are the champs in the eyes of the people, she says.

Why is there a difference between men and women when it comes to sex, ask Fie Laursen. Photo: Anthon Unger

This is consistent with Jeppe Risagers experience. En Ekstra Bladet spoke with him earlier in the day, we asked whether he had experienced much hatred on social media. Here came the answer:

– really, Really many write, and I have surprisingly not had one single bad comment yet.

According to the Fie Laursen comes the negative comments from both male and female, and she calls for a general solidarity between people.

– There are actually nearly several women who write, that I’m a hooker. I have also been called a sea cow or sirenia. It becomes more personal, and people write that I have a dank ass, and that I am fed. So it’s not just about sex, she says.

The otherwise medievante realitykendis do not have a solution to the problem, but she has decided that it is over to read the comments on the web in the future.

– I have learned that nothing is coming out of to respond people, you can’t reach out to people who already have a hatred. I just don’t understand why you have a need to bully other people on the way in the comments section. I would never even do, she says.

Extra Magazine asked yesterday, Discovery Networks, who are behind the ‘Ex on the Beach’ at home, why it was necessary to show the love scenes in the program. You can read the answers below.

Discovery Networks: Therefore, we show the

Why choose to show the clip of the Fie Laursen and Robert Risager, who have sex in ‘Ex on the Beach’?

– As with all other scenes, we choose to display in ’Ex on the Beach’, this scene had a meaning for it in the series. The scene with the Fie and Jeppe is important to you as a viewer can better understand their relationship and the things, which later come to be done in the villa, sounds the from Katrine Herforth, who is head of Discovery Networks Denmark.

Why is it necessary to show?

– As in all other productions, we put together the applications and selects the scenes that are important to the overall storyline. We have, therefore, the scenes in the programmes, which we think is important, to you as a viewer can understand the participants ‘ subsequent reactions and emotions, saith the programchefen.

What are the ethical considerations behind the decision?

– The concrete sexscene is as mentioned, a part of a storytelling about the Fie and jeppe’s circumstances, as we deem necessary for the overall storyline. The Reality genre is not new, and we do not believe that it comes behind in either viewers or participants, to dating can involve sex. It also makes out in reality. When it is said and done, we, of course, that the participants are aware of what they are in for, and that everything is done in full understanding between all parties.

Many will probably argue that it is a violent clip that is on the border of porn. Where goes the limit in your eyes?

– of course We are very aware of what and how much we show in the programmes. You will get to see the sex-scenes in ’Ex on the Beach’, but the program is much more than that. For the sex-scenes in the programme are always for a reason, and they are important to understand the emotions, reactions and relationships that the participants have in the program.

Have an ethical responsibility to the minors, looking with?

’Ex on the Beach’ never appears before the at. 22.00 on Channel 4, where it may be presumed that most of the minors have gone to bed. In addition, there is a warning before all programs. At dplay, you must indicate that you are over 15, before you can view the programmes.

We have previously seen that in the example in ‘Paradise Hotel’ trying to soft the scene up by putting the fruits of participants ‘ private parts. Have considered doing the same?

– We use logos, where we assess there is a need.

Consult the participants before you show the clips?

– All the participants know they are being filmed 24/7, and that everything can in principle be used in all applications. As in all other productions, there is in addition, of course, close contact to the participants on a continuous basis.

In the last or current season examples of sex-scenes that are too violent to show. And has in this case a concrete example?

– Since we are filming 24/7 for many weeks, and only sends 3×45 minutes per week, of course there are many things and scenes, which never hits the face. Crucial for us is constantly to show scenes and situations that are important to it, and which gives the viewers a better understanding of why participants act and feel as they do.