Internet Facebook to let you know that there is a nasty bug has cropped up which makes the private photos of about 6.8 million users in hands came from appontwikkelaars on the platform. Between 13 and 25 september by the bug as possible, photos of 6.8 million shared among users.

It comes to photos on Facebook were posted by the user, but not with friends were shared. That may, for example, in the case of photos that users had uploaded to the network, but not (yet) published on the site. the

The bug found in the particular users kind permission to apps to make their photos to see. Normally, only photos shared by the user on his timeline placed. But by the bug, there were more: photos that have been shared on the Marketplace, or Facebook Stories, and uploads that the user ultimately not published.

6.8 million

Facebook think to 6.8 million users, and up to 1,500 apps have been affected. The company expresses his regret and says that it is a tool will roll out that app-developers can find out which users with the bug. the

“We will work with developers to cooperate for the photos of the affected users to remove”, says the company. The involved users also get an alert on their Facebook.

Am I affected?

Facebook also made a help page where users can see whether they are affected by the leak. Here you can check or you run the risk that your photos have accidentally been shared. the

If you’re not affected, then you get the following message. “Your facebook account is not affected by this issue and apps you’re using, have not had access to your other photos.”