A few days old girl was late Monday night found left in Vanløse in Copenhagen.

It was a citizen who found the baby wrapped in some material. The child was lying in an intersection, not on the road, but by a cycle path at the junction of Grøndals Recognition and Gudenåvej, tells vicepolitiinspektør Jesper Beuschel from the Copenhagen Police to Ekstra Bladet.

– He finds it and taken it in and inform myndighedernen. The child has it on findetidspunktet well.

the 112 – 26. mar. 2019 – at. 07:35 Infant found at the park

the Girl was between zero and five days old when she was found.

– the Baby is quite sensible. She is in the hospital rutinetjek, and I have not heard that there must be something with the health of the girl, says Jesper Beuschel.

Authorities plan for how the a against should be handled

the Police to find the parents:

the Authorities have a clear plan for how to a against must be handled.

– In the first place is to take care of a member child’s immediate well-being. It can be a stay in a hospital, where it will be studied, tells Stone Kruse-blinkeberg, center director of the center for family care, the city of Copenhagen.

at the same time, the police will try to clarify who the parents are.

A against will be placed in temporary foster care and then given up for adoption, if he does not succeed to find the biological parents.

A possible adoption of the child undertaken by the state Administration. Social worker Mia Lund tells about the process:

– It is, as with all other adoptions. Here there is no distinction to whether it is so-called hittebørn or other children who need to be adopted.

Prior to the adoption, there is a study and authentication flow. The adoption can be undertaken, within the three months, but it can not be implemented until the child is 3 months old.

– In the time trying to get placed the child in a foster home under such a ‘family-like relationship’ as possible, she says.

It is the municipality and not the state Administration, holding the child in the time.

– In cases of hittebørn there are no clues to the biological parents. Is it something In the handling by the Administration?

– in connection with the investigation, we talk with prospective adopters about how they handle, to mention the child’s history, whether it is against or not, says Mia Lund.

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When the girl will be discharged from the hospital, it is the social authorities in the Municipality of Copenhagen, who takes over the care of her.

the Police can’t get closer to the child’s identity than how old she is.

– It is hard to get into an ethnicity, and we can risk to exclude some good bud. We know, for example, jaundice can change the child’s skin color, says Jesper Beuschel.

After the girl was found, the leader of the police after the child’s mother and calls on all who have the tips to turn.

– Those who have a suspicion, must not think of that, they generate the police.

– We will also request that the mother get on the track. It is obvious that someone needs help, and it must be the primary task of providing this help to the mother.

in Addition, police are investigating who is has been in the area.